Choice of Lesson (Bấm chuột vào ô sổ xuống bên dưới và chọn bài kiểm tra)

Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL Reading Comprehension Synonym word TOEFL

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Trinh do C - Bai 40

Trình độ C - Bài 40

1. In the jar there was a ________ which looked like jam.

2. Because his argument was so confusing, ________ people understood it.

3. We are ________ him to arrive at any moment.

4. You ________ worry about paying the gas bill - I've already done it.

5. I've made an appointment for 10 o'clock. Is that ________ for you?

6. You look ________ you've seen a ghost!

7. You ________ blame yourself for the accident. It wasn't your fault.

8. Naturally I'm ________ that I didn't pass the examination but I'll do better next time.

9. Today's newspaper has ________ interesting article on space travel.

10. Your brother is much taller ________ you.

11. My aunt and uncle always quarrelled about their tea; she liked it strong but he wanted it ________.

12. Getting divorced was a ________ decision for us to make, but I'm sure it was the right one.

13. Mr Smith was ________ in a road accident.

14. We expected him at eight but he finally ________ at midnight.

15. Buses into town run ________ twenty minutes or so.

16. Can you possibly make ________ what he has written here?

17. I can't say what her name is though it is ________.

18. Whether or not to abolish corporal punishment in schools is still ________ in educational circles.

19. I ________ a nice present yesterday.

20. As bold as ________ = cheeky, impudent.

Trinh do C - Bai 39

Trình độ C - Bài 39

1. I'm going to get a new car; I'm tired ________ having to take this one to the garage to get it repaired all the time.

2. ________ a computer can help you work much faster.

3. I ________ be delighted to show you round the factory.

4. ________ the wet weather, the football match went ahead.

5. She rang to make an early ________ at the hairdressers.

6. Mike was the ________ in his family; all his brothers were much taller.

7. Could you buy a cake please ________ John and Mary come this afternoon?

8. One ________ of public transport is its unreliability.

9. Did you know that Vanessa is ________ a baby?

10. The main ________ to progress is not technical but political.

11. The best rooms in that hotel ________ the bay.

12. The by-laws say that all dogs ________ be kept on a lead in the park.

13. Separate the eggs and then beat with a ________.

14. He was ________ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.

15. My father ________ me to learn English when I was a child, but never forced me.

16. We are accustomed ________ bad weather.

17. I was afraid ________ mentioning it to him.

18. I warned him ________ the danger, but he wouldn't listen to me.

19. Petrol is feared ________ in price this week.

20. I will ask him to come if I ________ him.

Trinh do C - Bai 38

Trình độ C - Bài 38

1. People wore ________ they liked to the party: it was very casual.

2. He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will ________ someone crossing the street.

3. Don't worry: the snake is perfectly ________.

4. One of the main advantages ________ the new PCX 232 personal computer is that it is very simple to operate.

5. You'd better set off ten minutes early ________ there is a lot of traffic.

6. When I saw Bill's reaction, I bitterly regretted ________ told him.

7. The shirt I was wearing today was torn, but I don't think anyone ________.

8. This is the oldest building ________ the village.

9. She was singing an old Spanish folksong, a favourite of ________.

10. So ________ people came to the theatre that they had to cancel the performance.

11. Research scientists are still looking for a cure ________ heart disease.

12. Put the salt in the water and let it ________ before adding the vegetables.

13. It is far too hot for you ________ the garden.

14. She told Alan ________ for borrowing her guitar without permission.

15. If you interfere ________ other people's affairs, you will regret it.

16. Are you aware of the difficulties that lie ahead ________ you?

17. I left my office after I ________ the last letter.

18. His doctor made him ________ in bed for a few days.

19. As quick as ________ = very quick (e.g. in running or seeing through a problem).

20. The police have not had time to complete their investigations, but they have concluded ________ that the explosion was caused by a bomb.

Trinh do C - Bai 37

Trình độ C - Bài 37

1. ________ you leave for the station very soon, you'll miss the train.

2. I haven't met him, but I did once ________ across his wife.

3. Tom ________ his next appointment at the doctor's.

4. The wind blew so hard and so strongly that the windows ________ in their frames.

5. They would ________ go by air than spend a week travelling by train.

6. It's all over between Pete and Anne: she's walked ________ on him.

7. He has a bad cold and won't be ________ to play in the match tomorrow.

8. He spoke so fast I couldn't understand ________ he was talking about.

9. Please go in. Mr Jones is free ________ you now.

10. Everyone felt ________ for Mr Atkins when he lost his job at the factory.

11. What ________ will this decision have on the future of the club?

12. This year the roses were ________ a month earlier than usual.

13. Everyone shared ________ his happiness.

14. The climber failed ________ his attempts to reach the summit.

15. I tried to reason ________ him, but he was very rude to me.

16. Are you aware ________ the difficulties that lie ahead of you?

17. He is not different ________ anyone else.

18. The teacher often goes to see new exhibitions in art galleries. Dick usually goes there ________ him.

19. She worships the sun and ________ she always spends her holidays in Greece.

20. I'm afraid I can't come over this afternoon because I'm tied ________ at the office.

Trinh do C - Bai 36

Trình độ C - Bài 36

1. I am very ________ in information about your company's holidays.

2. The meteorologists say we're likely to have a ________ winter.

3. Do you think Jane and Adam marry ________?

4. You should ________ a lawyer before you sign that document.

5. You can take a horse to water, but you can't ________ it drink!

6. He is a little bit ________ in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say.

7. Several of the explorers did not survive the terrible ________ across the desert.

8. Heavy snowfalls have ________ all trains.

9. The heavy rainstorms ________ more than five days.

10. There will now be a ________ interval for refreshments.

11. The play was very long, but there were two ________.

12. The stolen jewels were ________ a lot of money.

13. They had a plan to trick him, but he didn't fall ________ it.

14. It is unreasonable to demand this ________ him.

15. It took me a long time to get rid ________ him.

16. They differ ________ each other so much.

17. There is little ________ in this department.

18. I would not let him go, if I ________ all about this trip.

19. They were ________ for smuggling jewelry into the country.

20. At first, very few people believed Darwin's theory of evolution because it did not seem at all ________.

Trinh do C - Bai 35

Trình độ C - Bài 35

1. The teachers at the school ________ with 'flu one after the other.

2. The bank manager agreed to give me 200$, ________ the 500$ he had already lent me.

3. What do you usually ________ for delivering things?

4. She chose some attractive ________ paper for the Christmas present.

5. It was very beautiful cloth ________ from silk.

6. We've ________ of time to catch the train so there's no need to rush.

7. He put the two letters into the wrong envelopes ________ mistake.

8. She seems very confident but you ________ never judge by appearances.

9. We couldn't have our picnic because it began to ________ with rain.

10. The three friends all ________ for the same job.

11. Our plane was ________ for over four hours because of fog.

12. I have to be careful which soap I use, because my skin is very ________.

13. The government wants people to set ________ their own businesses.

14. He's intelligent but he ________ common sense.

15. I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday. It ________ have been Jane because she was out all day.

16. The government is opposed ________ giving people large pay rises.

17. I will show you his letter if I ________ it.

18. After the ________ journey, the President sent a request to the Prime Minister asking that they ________ their meeing until he had an opportunity to refresh himself.

19. He gave a dramatic ________ of his adventures in the heart of Africa.

20. Many people are camping for the ________ of whale hunting.

Trinh do C - Bai 34

Trình độ C - Bài 34

1. When factories are ________ by management, then workers tend to lose their jobs.

2. - Roland: Have the children had supper yet? - Marion: No, and they're not used ________ it so late.

3. "Be careful, Stuart, Paola has her eyes ________ you," Carol said.

4. In spite of the anaesthetic, Pauline was fully ________ during the operation.

5. This morning the postman was ________ down the street by my dog.

6. I don't ________ to see her again until next Tuesday.

7. Some drivers, after ________, annoy their fellow-motorists by slowing down again immediately.

8. After two months, he had ________ news of what she was doing in London.

9. Now that my dad is retired, he enjoys ________ more time with his grandchildren.

10. His debt now amounts ________ $100.

11. You demand too much of him; he is not really equal ________ the task.

12. Even though he is thirty five, he lives on his mother and is completely dependent ________ her.

13. Will you have ________ to tell her the truth?

14. Parents and children ________ enjoyed the show.

15. The programme of reconstruction in the city centre is now ________.

16. The production comes along well, although there were some ________ at the very beginning.

17. If I could understand this text, I ________ the next page.

18. Please ________ and see us some time - you're always welcome

19. I could ________ a note of panic in his voice.

20. Thousands of people use the ________ of footpaths across these hills.

Trinh do C - Bai 33

Trình độ C - Bài 33

1. You are not allowed ________ in this carriage.

2. I think you'd better ________ before they return.

3. "I ________ you all," she said, as she ran out of the room in tears.

4. I'm sorry we're late; it's all my ________!

5. I chose these curtains because they are my ________ shade of red.

6. I wonder ________ like to travel by Concorde.

7. Two other ________ in his argument for his country's independence are worth a mention.

8. Several soldiers were ________ wounded in the battle. They needed a lot of help.

9. Bill's a lucky fellow, he always seems to fall on his ________.

10. ________ experience of working in an office environment is essential for this job.

11. Only by shouting very loudly ________ a taxi to stop for her.

12. For a long time after the accident, he suffered from constant ________ in his back.

13. An enormous ________ of rubbish had built up in the factory yard over the years.

14. Experiments have proved that children can be instructed ________ swimming at a very early age.

15. Mark will come ________ home quite late.

16. I was instructed ________ drawing once upon a time.

17. How can you agree ________ such an idea when you are ignorant of the basic facts?

18. It was ________ to meet you.

19. Unexpectedly the lights ________ out and we were left in the darkness.

20. For this recipe to be successful, you ________ cook the meat for at least two hours in a moderate oven.

Trinh do C - Bai 32

Trình độ C - Bài 32

1. I took that faulty kettle back to the shop where I'd bought it and asked the ________ if they would change it for me.

2. - Flora: You're awfully behind with the work, aren't you? - Daisy: I know. I ________ to the cinema last night.

3. You will spend at least one year working abroad ________ you can find out how things operate overseas.

4. I can ________ with most things but I cannot stand noisy children.

5. I think he is ________ his time looking for a job there; they are not taking any staff on at present.

6. It is a good idea to be ________ dressed when you go for a interview.

7. I was pleased to see how ________ she looked after her recent illness.

8. Shall we ________ across this field instead of going by the road?

9. Write to me and tell me ________ about your holiday in Switzerland.

10. It's rude to interrupt when someone else is ________.

11. - Betty: I didn't really enjoy the party last night. - Adela: No, and ________.

12. ________ of the month, I hope I shall have lost another two kilos.

13. I reasoned ________ him, but he would not listen to me.

14. He is responding ________ treatment and will soon be cured of his illness.

15. Nothing will prevent him ________ succeeding.

16. He criticised everything and everybody and even ran ________ his few friends.

17. Why did you have ________ his last lecture?

18. I was sitting in a cafe ________ afternoon when I saw the Prime Minister pass by.

19. The ________ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.

20. She's the best assistant I've ever had. I couldn't ________ for a better one.