Choice of Lesson (Bấm chuột vào ô sổ xuống bên dưới và chọn bài kiểm tra)

Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL Reading Comprehension Synonym word TOEFL

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Trinh do C - Bai 80

Trình độ C - Bài 80

1. Could you please tell me if you have any electric typewriters ________?

2. Please come round this evening; I ________ to see you urgently.

3. My younger sister is very ________ and so she loves going out but I am much quieter and prefer to stay at home.

4. Can you ________ me a good pill against airsickness?

5. They were really ________ about my idea of joining them in London.

6. We were all taken ________ surprise when they announced their engagement.

7. I can't possibly lend you any money; it is quite out of the ________.

8. I wish you'd stop comparing my cooking ________ your mother's.

9. The bank will ________ you the money if you are prepared to pay them eight per cent interest on it.

10. He is intent on passing the examination, but I'm doubtful ________ his chances.

11. Beware ________ the dog.

12. The waiter's tip is included ________ the bill.

13. If you fail in this attempt, don't count ________ me for help.

14. I insist ________ your telling me the truth.

15. Do you mean to say you have never heard ________ Beethoven?

16. Even though he was more than sixty he had very few ________ on his face.

17. The cat showed her ________ for the stale fish by turning her back on it.

18. In about a week Tom ________ his summer holiday.

19. an Indian summer = ________.

20. I ________ you that I had no intention of offending you.

Trinh do C - Bai 79

Trình độ C - Bài 79

1. Children will work hard if the lessons are ________.

2. We have agreed ________ the need for firm action.

3. I walked ________ Piccadilly Circus and then caught a bus.

4. I'll cook the potatoes if someone will ________ them first.

5. Can you divide 30 ________ 6, please?

6. I didn't realize everyone was going to wear formal clothes and I felt ________ in my jeans and jumper.

7. I intend to leave ________ Paul is ready.

8. The colours in some of the photos we took two years ago have begun to ________.

9. The only feature ________ to these two flowers is their preference for sandy soil.

10. I ________ go now, or I'll be late for the lesson.

11. Now that he has retired, he lives partly on his pension and partly on the ________ on his post office savings account.

12. They were delighted ________ to come to the party.

13. With the breakdown of the latest round of talks, a strike must obviously be ________.

14. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually ________.

15. This company has always ________ to a strict no-smoking policy.

16. This is such a boring job to do. It's a real pain in the ________.

17. The car skidded to a halt after ________ its headlights smashed in the crash.

18. Try and ________ on the bright side- the worst may never happen!

19. Companies have to consider the age of the population when they are ________ new staff.

20. ________ through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale.

Trinh do C - Bai 78

Trình độ C - Bài 78

1. You're looking very pale, do you ________ sick?

2. This is a challenging position in the car industry for a qualified ________.

3. Jane and Margaret ________ to live next door to each other at one time.

4. Rodney is fluent ________ five languages.

5. Aunt Ida has never really ________ from her nervous breakdown.

6. He sent ________ from Mallorca.

7. She ________ to work a little bit harder if she's going to pass the exam.

8. I met John ________ his bicycle along the pavement.

9. The manager expected the team ________ because they hadn't done enough training.

10. He asked her so many times to do it that ________ she did so.

11. While the builders were repairing the roof they ________ the bathroom window.

12. You really can't ________ a thing that woman says!

13. I tried to sew the button on myself, but I couldn't thread the ________.

14. He ________ the letter carefully and put it in the envelope.

15. Has it occured ________ you that she must have arrived at London airport by now?

16. You must comply ________ the rules of the game.

17. He confessed ________ me that he had just been converted to some strange religion.

18. I am sure he would have liked your sister if he ________ her.

19. In order to ________ the deadline for submitting the research paper, the student tried to ________ additional time from the professor.

20. He says he doesn't like his new school because he feels like a ________ out of water there.

Trinh do C - Bai 77

Trình độ C - Bài 77

1. I'm very busy, so please don't disturb me ________ it's urgent.

2. The new factory ________ next week by the Prime Minister.

3. "Thieves will be ________."

4. In a break-in last week the burglars ________ all my jewellery but left the pictures.

5. The interference on the radio was ________ by weather conditions.

6. I'll be very surprised if you ________ the exam.

7. Will you ________ me to go to the bank in the morning?

8. The children did not know the ________ by which the game was played.

9. It's a very nice drink; I'm sure you would like it if you ________ it.

10. Peter, you're a stupid little boy! Stop ________ like that.

11. The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes ________ for a cup of coffee.

12. You can't miss my house: it's ________ the fire station.

13. If no one ________ to the plan, we will start next week.

14. Children should be prohibited ________ smoking.

15. How much did they charge you ________ that?

16. Although it is only a small business, its ________ is surprisingly high.

17. As there was no transport of any kind, he had to make the journey ________ foot.

18. I doubt ________ the company will make any profit at all this year.

19. He thinks he is really important but he is only really a big ________ in a small pond.

20. Since the evidence of the manuscript's ________ is ________, its publication will be postponed until a team of scholars has examined it and declared it to be genuine.

Trinh do C - Bai 76

Trình độ C - Bài 76

1. Workers who do not obey the safety regulations will be ________ immediately.

2. The prisoner ran ________ down the hill and escaped.

3. His grandmother ________ born in France.

4. A young art student acted as our ________ when we visited the National Gallery.

5. Would you ________ some onions for me, please Marisa?

6. She was ________ TV when the phone rang.

7. Susan ________ visits her grandmother every Wednesday.

8. Mary went shopping; ________ John did some gardening.

9. To make a good omelette, you must ________ the eggs very well.

10. Is there somewhere I can ________ this jumper?

11. The policeman who stopped him asked him if ________ been drinking.

12. They caught him cheating. His chances of passing are ________ destroyed now.

13. We don't know her very well, only by ________.

14. The teacher ________ them the answer to the question.

15. He stroked his cat's silky fur and the cat ________ contentedly.

16. I wrote to the company ________ them for a catalogue

17. We played the game ________ the rules.

18. The ________ listened attentively to every word the vicar said in his sermon.

19. Although a solemn tone was appropriate to the seriousness of the occasion, the speaker lapsed into ________ which was depressing rather than moving.

20. The politician refused to be drawn into answering ________ questions.

Trinh do C - Bai 75

Trình độ C - Bài 75

1. The young soldier ________ a dangerous mission across the desert, although he knew that he might be killed.

2. What a lovely dress ________ on.

3. They have just released a new record called 'Starlight', ________ you must buy.

4. Because nobody admitted breaking the window, the ________ class was kept in after school.

5. It was a good attempt, but it didn't really come ________, which was a pity.

6. Your marks are poor, ________ I'm afraid you have failed.

7. Excuse me, but would you ________ talking a little bit more quietly? We are trying to work.

8. The banks seems to have credited my account with $100 in ________.

9. You think that's a good idea? I'm sorry, but I don't ________ you at all.

10. Although this wine is quite cheap, it is very ________.

11. Excuse me, do you ________ me bringing my dog into your house?

12. He has a very ________ temper and often says things he regrets later.

13. He says he's sorry ________ what he did, so you need not get angry with him.

14. I'm not satisfied ________ your work.

15. I cannot be held responsible ________ other people's mistakes.

16. I will ask him to give me my record back when I ________ him.

17. I'm afraid my speech may have ________ you as to my true aims.

18. What he told me was a ________ of lies.

19. The death penalty was ________ many years ago in this country.

20. Although the language was ________ and considered to be inferior to standard English, Robert Burns wrote his love poetry in the language of the Scots.

Trinh do C - Bai 74

Trình độ C - Bài 74

1. I'm free this evening. ________ we go out to dinner?

2. Someone threw the drowning man a lifebelt in the ________ of time.

3. Children have to stay ________ school until they are 15.

4. The management received a lot of ________ about the poor service in their hotel.

5. It has been raining steadily and continuously for three days ________ now.

6. The opening ________ of the play took place in an army camp.

7. I don't know what to do this weekend. Perhaps I ________ at home and do some work.

8. When you ________ him, give him my best wishes.

9. The sign in the cinema asks people ________ smoke.

10. Despite her undoubted ability at tennis, she never became the ________ of the local tennis club.

11. We went to see play last night and, ________ for Tony, we all enjoyed it very much.

12. I hate being unemployed. I'd feel much happier if I were in ________.

13. Four meters of this material ________ at $24.50.

14. It was difficult to ________ a date which was convenient for everyone.

15. There was nothing they could do ________ leave the car at the roadside where it had broken down.

16. Did anything emerge ________ your discussion?

17. He might be good at his job, but you can't rely ________ him.

18. The concert began ________ a piece by an unknown composer.

19. When he realized it was four o'clock, he stopped ________ a rest and went on working.

20. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you ________ to leave?

Trinh do C - Bai 73

Trình độ C - Bài 73

1. The defendant's family were present at the ________.

2. I don't ________ with your decision but I do think that you might have told me last week.

3. ________ I lock the door for you?

4. Our car was badly ________ in the accident.

5. Do come ________ instead of standing there on the doorstep in the rain.

6. Everyone in the village ________ about the plans for the new road.

7. He ________ his friend to go camping with him.

8. - Alistair: I'm in an awful mess here. Could you give me a hand? - Alexander: Certainly. What needs ________?

9. I ________ my family very much when I'm away from home.

10. The ________ age of the population in most western countries is rising fast.

11. You can't get sleeping pills unless you go to the doctor and get a ________.

12. Driving a car with faulty brakes is ________ quite a risk.

13. The shop assistant apologized and said that they didn't have any of them ________ yet.

14. You really ________ have passed that exam: you obviously didn't work hard enough!

15. Sue hadn't seen her brother for thirty years and ________ they recognized each other instantly.

16. You ________ be exhausted after that walk.

17. The new pills are round, so they're easier to ________.

18. I had to be up early the next morning, so I ________ myself and left the party.

19. Do you ________ to go to the party?

20. We ________ the plumbers to install an extra radiator in the living-room.

Trinh do C - Bai 72

Trình độ C - Bài 72

1. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to ________ him to go.

2. When the time came to ________ the bill at the hotel she found her purse had been stolen.

3. The film ________ several scenes that might upset young children.

4. We're moving out soon because our house is going to be knocked ________ when the new road is built.

5. We returned our TV set to the shop because it was ________.

6. Can you come at once? I ________ speak to you urgently.

7. I've never had to ________ such rudeness before.

8. I don't think I have ________ eaten Indonesian food before.

9. All Mike's friends felt sorry ________ him when he had to give up playing football.

10. - Sidney: Shall we stay at home or go for a walk? - Margot: Which ________ do yourself?

11. At first, everything was ________, just like any other day. But then!

12. He ________ me $20 for mending my bicycle.

13. ________ I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog!

14. Inflation and its upward ________ is the scourge of our days.

15. Her guest apologized for causing her so much ________.

16. I am ________ to come to the meeting on Monday evening; please apologize for my absence.

17. I suppose I can count ________ you for help in this matter?

18. They began by experimenting ________ rats.

19. They brought the land with a ________ to building a new office block.

20. In all ________ there will never be a third World War.