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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 145

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi: Fog occurs when damp air above the surface of the earth is cooled to the point at which it condenses. Of the two types of fog, advection fog occurs along the ocean coast or near rivers or lakes. This type of fast-moving fog, which may cover vast areas, occurs when warm 5 winds blow across a cold surface of land or water. In this collision of heat and cold, the warm air is cooled to the point at which the water vapor condenses into fog. Radiation fog, quite different from advection fog, is immobile cloud-like moisture generally found hovering
over wintertime valleys. It occurs on clear nights when the earth's 10 warmth escapes into the upper atmosphere.

1. According to the passage, fog is found when wetness in the air is

2. According to the passage, advection fog is found

3. In the passage, radiation fog is said to be

4. According to the passage, which of the following statements about fog is true?

5. The author's purpose in this passage is to

Back Test with: Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 144 and Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 145

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 144

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi: It is the role of the Federal Reserve, known simply as the Fed, to control the supply of money in the U.S. through its system of twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, each with its own Federal Reserve District Bank. Many commercial banks belong to the Federal Reserve 5 System and as members must follow the Fed's reserve requirements, a ruling by the Fed on the percentage of deposits that a member bank must keep either in its own vaults or on deposit at the Fed.

If the Fed wants to change the money supply, it can change reserve 10 requirements to member banks; for example, an increase in the percentage of deposits required to be kept on hand would reduce the available money supply. Member banks can also borrow money from the Fed, and
an additional way that the Fed can control the money supply is to raise or lower the discount rate, the interest rate at which commercial 15 banks borrow from the Fed. 2An increase in the discount rate would reduce the funds available to commercial banks and thus shrink the
money supply. In addition to using reserve requirements and the discount rate to control the money supply, the Fed has an additional powerful tool: open-market operations.

1. According to the passage, the main purpose of the Federal Reserve System is to

2. When the Fed controls the percentage of deposits kept on hand by member banks, it controls

3. The passage implies that a lowering of the discount rate would lead to

4. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses

Back Test with: Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 144 and Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 143

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 143

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi: Desert tundra, or cold desert, occurs on the Arctic edges of North America, Europe, and Asia. In these areas the near eternal freezing temperatures cause an environment in which plant life is virtually impossible. The existence of ice rather than water for the majority 5 of the year means that vegetation lacks sufficient moisture for growth.
During the short period of time when the temperature increases enough for the ice to melt, there is generally a large volume of water. This excess of water, coupled with a lack of drainage through the frozen subsoil, does not allow vegetation to flourish.

1. What would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

2. According to the passage, desert tundra is found

3. According to the passage, what makes plant life almost impossible in areas of desert tundra during most of the year?

4. Which of the following happens when the weather heats up?

5. According to the passage, why can't the water drain after it melts?

Back Test with: Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 142 and Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 143

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 142

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi: The next famous woman writer to be considered is Dorothy Parker, an American poet, short story writer, and literary critic who became famous in the early twentieth century for her witty but cynical observations on life. She got her first paying job as a writer in 1916 at the 5 age of 23 when she began working for a women's magazine, and nine years later she became a contributor to The New Yorker as a book
reviewer. In addition to her magazine work, she published volumes of poetry and short stories with the recurrent themes of disappointment with life and the loss of idealism. One of her most famous observations, 10 "Men seldom make passes/At girls who wear glasses," came from the
poem "News Item," which was published in the volume Enough Rope (1926). This volume of poetry was followed by Sunset Gin (1928), Death and Taxes (1931), and a collection of short stories Here Lies (1939).

1. According to the passage Dorothy Parker was NOT famous for

2. Dorothy Parker's first job was

3. In line 8, the word "recurrent" could best be replaced by which of the following?

4. In what year did "News Item" appear?

5. With what topic does the paragraph preceding the passage most likely deal?

Back Test with: Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 142 and Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 141

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 141

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi: In west-central New York State there is a group of eleven long, narrow lakes known as the Finger Lakes. These lakes have been aptly named
because of their resemblance to the fingers of a hand. Two of the largest of the Finger Lakes, Seneca and Cayuga, exemplify the selection 5 of the name: Seneca is 37 miles long and 4 miles across at its widest point, and Cayuga is 40 miles long and 2 miles across. Although scientists
are uncertain as to how these lakes were formed, most believe that glacial ice forged out the valleys to a depth well below sea level, and with the melting of the glaciers the lakes were formed.

1. How could the Finger Lakes be described?

2. According to the passage, why are these lakes known as Finger Lakes?

3. Why does the author mention Seneca and Cayuga Lakes?

4. The passage implies that Seneca Lake is

5. What do most scientists believe caused the formation of the Finger Lakes?

6. What is the tone of this passage?

Back Test with: Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 140 and Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 141