Choice of Lesson (Bấm chuột vào ô sổ xuống bên dưới và chọn bài kiểm tra)

Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL Reading Comprehension Synonym word TOEFL

Monday, August 13, 2007

A naughty boy

A naughty boy

One day, an old gentlement was walking along a street. He saw a little boy near the door of a house. The boy was standing at the door and trying to reach the door-bell which was too high for him. The old gentlement was a kind-hearted man so he stopped to help the boy. "I will ring the bell for you," he said and pulled the bell so hard that its ringing could be heard all over the house. The little boy looked up at him and said laughing: "Now we must run away. Come on."

Before the old gentlement knew what was happening the naughty boy had disappeared round the corner of the street. The old man had to explain to the angry owner of the house why he had rung the bell.

Sender: Pham Thuy Linh


A careless answer

Our new assistant, Christy 16, was in her first office job. Co-workers were giving her basic instruction as the boss stepped out of his office and the telephone rang. Christy answered professionally, but then birst out with: "He's in the toilet now."

"Oh, no," one employee whispered to her, "Say he's with a customer."

"He is in the toilet with a custmer," Christy told the caller.



Pete and Larry had not seen each other in many >years. Now they had a long talk trying to fill >in the gap of those years by telling about their >lives. Finally, Pete invited Larry to visit him in his new apartment. "I got a wife and three kids and I'd love to have you visit us.
"Great. Where do you live?"
"Here's the address. And there's plenty of parking behind the apartment. Park and come around to the front door, kick it open with your foot, go to the elevator and press the button with your left elbow, then enter! When you reach the sixth floor, go down the hall until you see my name on the door. Then press the doorbell with your right elbow and I'll let you in."
"Good. But tell me... what is all this business of kicking the front door open, then pressing elevator buttons with my right, then my left elbow?"
"Surely, you're not coming empty-handed."



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