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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 30

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 30

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United
States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying
the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets
and "life in the fast lane" have long been known to contribute to
5 the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies,
the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.

Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal
10 patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather,
and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other
day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart
attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first
observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since
15 discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in
blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating
hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute
to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00
A.M. and 10:00 A.M.
In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated
as risk factors. Statistics reveal that heart attack rates increase
significantly for both females and males in the few days immediately
preceding and following their birthdays. And unmarried men are more
25 at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts. Though
stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the aforementioned
risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending
why and how heart failure is triggered.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

2. In line 3, the word "potential" could best be re-placed by which of the following?

3. The word "trigger" as used in line 3 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

4. Which of the following could best replace the word "incidence" as used in line 5?

5. The author uses the word "temporal" in line 9 to mean

6. The phrase "susceptible to" in line 12 could best be replaced by

7. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a possible cause of many heart attacks?

8. The word "phenomenon" in line 14 refers to which of the following?

9. The word "implicated" in line 21 could best be replaced by which of the following?

10. Which of the following is NOT cited as a possible risk factor?

11. Which of the following does the passage infer?

12. As used in line 22, which of the following could best replace the word "reveal"?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 29 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 30

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 29

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 29

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few
speakers to become the dominant language of international communication.
English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated
many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman
5 invasion of 1030. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken
only in England and had not extended even as far as Wales, Scotland,
or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two centuries,
English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration,
trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work.
10 Thus, small enclaves of English speakers became established and grew
in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated,
English gradually became the primary language of international business,
banking, and diplomacy.

15 Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer
systems worldwide is in English. Two-thirds of the world's science
writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology,
advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers.
Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world,
20 and over half of these are nonnative speakers, constituting the largest
number of nonnative users than any other language in the world.
1. What is the main topic of this passage?

2. The word "emerged" in line 3 could best be re-placed by which of the following?

3. As used in line 4, the word "elements" is most similar to which of the following?

4. The word "extended" as used in line 6 is more similar to which of the following?

5. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?

6. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world EXCEPT

7. As used in line 7, which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "course"?

8. The word "enclaves" in line 10 could best be replaced by which of the following?

9. The word "proliferated" in line 11 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

10. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "stored" as used in line 15?

11. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "constituting" in line 20?

12. According to the passage, approximately how many nonnative users of English are there in the world today?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 28 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 29

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 28

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 28

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Another common blues instrument that flourished in the rural South
during the 1920s and 1930s was the blues harp or harmonica. It was
played mainly in bands called jug bands that commonly performed on
street corners, in saloons, and at country stores. Jug bands used
5 a variety of instruments including the banjo, guitar, washboard,
kazoo, fiddle, jugs, and blues harp. In these bands, the blues harp
was used primarily for melodic and rhythmic support. The earliest
evidence of the harp used as a solo or lead instrument in the jug
bands was in the late 1920s, as heard in the recordings of George
10 "Bullet" Williams. Other good harpmen, such as Sonny Terry, Little
Walter, and Sonny Boy Williamson, followed Williams, revolutionizing
the harp's role as a lead instrument.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

2. The blues harp is another name for the

3. The word "flourished" as used in line 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?

4. The author uses the phrase "rural South" in line 1 to refer to the Southern

5. It can be inferred that George "Bullet" Williams

6. As used in line 7, the word "primarily" could best be replaced by

7. According to the author, when was the harp first used as a lead instrument?

8. The word "lead" as used in line 8 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

9. In line 9, the word "recordings" most likely refers to

10. The word "revolutionizing" in line 11 could best be replaced by which of the following?

11. Which of the following would most likely be the topic of the previous paragraph?

12. According to the passage, jug bands were likely to perform in all of the following places EXCEPT

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 27 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 28

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 27

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 27

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Marian Anderson's brilliant singing career began at age six when she
sang spirituals at the Union Baptist Church in her hometown of Philadelphia.
She toured Europe in the 1920s, drawing vast acclaim; however, when
she returned to the United States she was still barred from performing
5 on the American operatic stage. After she was prevented from singing
in Washington's segregated Constitution Hall in 1939, Eleanor Roosevelt
intervened and arranged for Miss Anderson to perform at the Lincoln
Memorial. A crowd of 75,000 people came to watch her sing before
the Memorial. Marian Anderson's beautiful contralto voice broke down
10 racial barriers, showing white Americans that blacks had a profound
contribution to make to America's cultural life. Eventually, in 1955,
she became the first African- American singer to perform at New York's
Metropolitan Opera. In her many years of touring she had to endure
a racism that forced her to enter concert halls and hotels through
15 service entrances. Her grace under this stress showed a moral perseverance
that paralleled that of the famous Martin Luther King, Jr.
1. We can conclude from the passage that Marian Anderson first toured Europe instead of the United States because

2. The word "vast" in line 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?

3. The word "barred" in line 4 could best be replaced by which of the following?

4. The significance of Anderson's Lincoln Memorial performance was that

5. In line 7, the word "intervened" means that Eleanor Roosevelt

6. In line 9-10, the phrase "broke down . . . barriers" means

7. In line 10, the word "profound" could best be replaced by

8. The word "eventually" in line 11 could best be replaced by which of the following?

9. The word "grace" in line 15 is similar in meaning to which of the following?

10. According to the passage, what did Marian Anderson have in common with Martin Luther King, Jr?

11. The author's tone in this passage is

12. In line 15, what does the word "this" refer to?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 26 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 27

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 26

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 26

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   The rules of etiquette in American restaurants depend upon a number
of factors the physical location of the restaurant, e.g., rural or
urban; the type of restaurant, e.g., informal or formal; and certain
standards that are more universal. In other words, some standards
5 of etiquette vary significantly while other standards apply almost
anywhere. Learning the proper etiquette in a particular type of restaurant
in a particular area may sometimes require instruction, but more
commonly it simply requires sensitivity and experience. For example,
while it is acceptable to read a magazine in a coffee shop, it is
10 inappropriate to do the same in a more luxurious setting. And, if
you are eating in a very rustic setting it may be fine to tuck your
napkin into your shirt, but if you are in a sophisticated urban restaurant
this behavior would demonstrate a lack of manners. It is safe to
say, however, that in virtually every restaurant it is unacceptable
15 to indiscriminately throw your food on the floor. The conclusion
we can most likely draw from the above is that while the types and
locations of restaurants determine etiquette appropriate to them,
some rules apply to all restaurants.
1. With what topic is this passage primarily concerned?

2. According to the passage, which of the following is a universal rule of etiquette?

3. What does the word "it" refer to in line 8?

4. Which of the following could best replace the word "luxurious" in line 10?

5. Which of the following words is most similar to the meaning of "rustic" in line 11?

6. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "tuck" in line 11?

7. The word "sophisticated" in line 12 could best be replaced by

8. The word "manners" in line 13 could best be replaced by which of the following?

9. The author uses the phrase "safe to say" in line 13-14 in order to demonstrate that the idea is

10. The word "indiscriminately" in line 15 could best be replaced by which of the following?

11. The author uses the word "draw" in line 16 to mean

12. What is the author's main purpose in this passage?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 26 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 25