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Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL Reading Comprehension Synonym word TOEFL

Friday, August 10, 2007

TOEFL - Lesson 10

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 10

1. Since the earth's crust is much thicker under the continents, equipment would have to be capable of drilling through 100,000 feet of rock to investigate the mantle ________ .

2. Drivers should look very carefully ________ onto the main street.

3. The professor's daughter taught ________ to play the guitar.

4. The people of Western Canada have been considering ________ themselves from the rest of the provinces.

5. The greater the demand, ________ the price.

6. Many plants can grow in water, without any soil, ________ nutrients are added.

7. The teacher suggested that her students ________ experiences with ESP.

8. It was not until she arrived in class________ realized she had forgotten her book.

9. The Louisiana Territory, an area ________ the size of France, was bought by the United States from France for $15,000,000 in 1803.

10. Although one of his ships succeeded in sailing all the way back to Spain through the Cape of Good Hope, Magellan never completed the first circumnavigation of the world, and ________.

11. ________ "cultural diffusion" refers to the spread of customs or practices from one culture to another.

12. Amniocentesis can be used not only to diagnose fetal disorders ________ the sex of the unborn child with 95 percent accuracy.

13. The adder is a venomous snake ________ bite may prove fatal to humans.

14. ________ of the Stamp Act in 1865 provoked strong opposition among the American colonists.

15. An elephant can lift ________ a ton with its tusks.

16. The human brain ________ only two percent of an adult's body weight.

17. Chemists are not sure ________ .

18. In the 1960s, pop art ________ to discover artistic significance in the commercial artifacts of the consumer culture.

19. Nestled along the shoreline of Hudson Bay ________.

20. Glass that has been tempered may be up to ________.

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 9

TOEFL - Lesson 9

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 9

1. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work, ________.

2. Kitchen appliances called blenders became ________ in the 1930s, when Stephen J. Poplawski developed a machine that excelled at making his favorite drink.

3. Sometimes ________ wears people out and is worse than the lack of sleep itself.

4. John said that no other car could go ________.

5. The attorney told his client that ________.

6. Doctoral students who are preparing to take their qualifying examinations have been studying in the library every night ________ the last three months.

7. The Internal Revenue Service ________ their tax forms by April 15 every year.

8. ________ pitched his first major-league game, Joe Nuxhall was only fifteen years old.

9. ________ occasions for congratulations.

10. _______, he would have signed his name in the corner.

11. There is evidence to suggest that, at certain times of the year, smog in the Arctic is thicker ________ anywhere else on earth.

12. The speaker is ________.

13. Sedimentary rocks are formed below the surface of the earth ________ very high temperatures and pressures.

14. In his inaugural speech, John Kennedy ________ that we should not ask what our country could do for us but what we could do for our country.

15. There are three kinds of solar eclipses: one is total, another is annular, and ________ .

16. Keynes argued that to avoid an economic depression the government ________ spending and lower interest rates.

17. A hero of the war of 1812, ________ President of the United States.

18. The various types of bacteria are classified according to ________ shaped.

19. Franchising offers many advantages to small business owners ________ problematic.

20. Jane changed her major from French to business ________

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 8

TOEFL - Lesson 8

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 8

1. Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and ________

2. The rains of 1993 ________ the Missouri river to overflow resulted in one of the worst floods of this century.

3. The Consumer Price Index lists ________.

4. Professional people appreciate ________ when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.

5. A student should tell a dorm counselor if ________ live with his roommate again next year.

6. It is the first time that the Princess of Wales has been to the United States, ________?

7. Gilbert Stuart is considered by most art critics ________ greatest portrait painter in the North American colonies.

8. The Irish brought the popular custom of Halloween to America ________ 1840s.

9. ________ that increasing numbers of compact-disc players will be bought by consumers in the years to come.

10. The volume of Hawaii's Mauna Loa is fifty times ________ Mount Everest.

11. ________ categorized as lipids.

12. Ben would have studied medicine if he________to a medical school.

13. The jurors were told to ________.

14. We had hoped ________ the game, but the other team played very well.

15. The U.S. postal service policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification ________.

16. In order for people who spoke different languages to engage in trade ________ , they often developed a simplified language called "pidgin".

17. The Supreme Court does not hear a case unless ________ , except those involving foreign ambassadors.

18. Past experience has shown that even well-trained ________ overwhelming success in forecasting interest rates.

19. The financial manager's job ________ among the many sources of finance for the best interest rates available.

20. The All Pueblo Council is said ________ from 1598.

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 7

TOEFL - Lesson 7

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 7

1. ________ a teacher in New England, Webster wrote the 'Dictionary of the American Language'.

2. About 20 miles from Boston, ________ a little town named Concord that has a rich history.

3. ________ the promotion of health and to helping people avoid injury and disease.

4. The bank ________ the bookstore has been broken into.

5. It was not until she had arrived home ________ remembered her appointment with the doctor.

6. Several of these washers and dryers are out of order and ________.

7. If the United States had not entered the Second World War, probably the 1940 unemployment rate of 14% ________ still further.

8. The Baltimore American first tried to nominate Theodore Roosevelt for the Presidency ________.

9. Not only knowledge and skills, but also attitudes ________ in school for students' future adjustment to society.

10. ________ west of the Rocky Mountains.

11. Vitamins are organic compounds ________ and must be ingested to maintain proper bodily functions.

12. Seals can ________ because they have a thick layer of blubber under their fur.

13. The "Canterbury Tales", written about 1386, is as alive and ________ today as it was nearly 600 years ago.

14. Each of the radioisotopes produced artificially ________ its own distinct structure.

15. "Moby Dick" is a mythical account of evil and revenge as shown by Captain Ahab's pursuit of the whale that had wounded ________ earlier in life.

16. In a suspension bridge ________ that carry one or more flexible cables firmly attached at each end.

17. The Kentucky Derby ________ every May at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky.

18. The nuthatch ________ six inches long.

19. The Andromeda Nebula, ________ more than two million light years away, can be seen from the northern hemisphere.

20. Harvey will wash the clothes, ________

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 6

TOEFL - Lesson 6

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 6

1. Lee contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute ________.

2. It is gravity ________ objects toward the earth.

3. Using a globe can be ________ it is educa-tional.

4. "Forty-niners" ________ to California for gold in 1848.

5. ________ many of the designs for the new capital were considered lost forever, Benjamin Banneker helped reproduce the original plans.

6. The wheel, ________ has remained important for 4,000 years, is one of mankind's first inventions.

7. ________ has improved a lot since she started her new job.

8. I know ________ a different way to get there but I like this one.

9. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries ________ the participants are not careful.

10. Although solar energy is cheaper than oil, ________ have advantages as well as disadvantages.

11. Birds head south to warmer climates when ________.

12. If one of the participants in a conversation wonders ________, no real communication has taken place.

13. He________looked forward to the new venture.

14. The juice contained in the brittles of the nettle causes an intense itch when ________ a persons skin.

15. Everyone ________ albinos has a certain amount of pigment in the skin to add color.

16. In the Morrill Act, Congress granted federal lands to the states ________ agricultural and mechanical arts colleges.

17. Ancient people believed that ________ with a sun and a moon rotating around it.

18. Technically, glass is a mineral and ________.

19. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours, ________ once every ten hours.

20. They were happy the train arrived on time and ________.

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 5