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Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL Reading Comprehension Synonym word TOEFL

Thursday, August 16, 2007

TOEFL - Lesson 30

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 30

1. When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill, his wife began to take a more active role in politics, and many people believed that ________ and the president shared his responsibilities.

2. In the United States ________ is the most concentrated is New Orleans.

3. ________ he was writing his plays and poems four centuries ago, Shakespeare's ideas are still relevant today.

4. The wonders of the wild have throughout history inspired not only artists ________.

5. They are planning to build a subway, but it ________ be a difficult undertaking.

6. The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware ________ that she had gone.

7. Green and magenta are complementary colors located opposite each other on the color wheel, ________.

8. ________ that gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill, and that the California Gold Rush began.

9. Between the California Coast Range and the Sierra Nevada ________.

10. Sunspots are known to cause ________ enormous increase in the intensity of the sun's electromagnetic radiation.

11. ________ the 35 years between the end of the Civil War and the turn of the century, the population of the United States doubled, and manufacturing production increased sevenfold.

12. In xerox printing, the ink becomes fused to the paper as soon as ________.

13. In the stringed instruments, the tones ________ by playing a bow across a set of strings that may be made of wire or gut.

14. After the purchase of the Louisiana Territory, the United States had ________ it had previously owned.

15. Young rivers have no flood plains and their valleys are ________ .

16. ________ a bridge builder, Gustav Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889.

17. In 1905 Juneau replaced Sitka ________ Alaska.

18. Whole-grain food products ________ in most large supermarkets across the United States and Canada.

19. The year 1732 saw the first appearance of Poor Richard's Almanac, ________ Benjamin Franklin created the character of Poor Richard.

20. Sidney Lamier was most famous for his poetry, but ________ a schoolteacher, a literally critic, and a musician.

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 29 và bài TOEFL - Lesson 30

TOEFL - Lesson 29

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 29

1. ________ the plow is being displaced by new techniques that protect the land and promise more abundant crops.

2. Birds all over the world ________ in distances up to thousands of miles.

3. ________ business, a merger is a combination of two or more corporations under one management.

4. Studies indicate ________ collecting art today than ever before.

5. The child thought the fruit tasted ________ and wanted to eat more.

6. While attempting to reach his home before the storm, ________

7. Unlike most Europeans, many Americans ________ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.

8. Fire safety in family houses, ________ most fire deaths occur, is difficult to achieve.

9. ________ ants live in colonies, keep farms, go to war, carry off slaves, and have a society somewhat like human beings.

10. ________ like "MacDonalds" and "Kentucky Fried Chicken" have used franchising to extend their sales internationally.

11. ________ have a powerful influence on the shape of the entire magazine industry.

12. ________ is cheaper for students who maintain a B average because they are a better risk than average or below-average students.

13. ________ a mayor, many city governments employ a city manager.

14. If humans were totally deprived of sleep, they ________ hallucinations, anxiety, coma, and eventually, death.

15. In November of 1863, the city of Atlanta ________ during Sherman's famous "March to the Sea."

16. ________ New Jersey's proximity to New York, it is an important link in the nation's transportation system.

17. The Federal Reserve System, ________ under President Wilson, plays a key role in regulating the U.S. economy.

18. ________ young, Eugene O'Neill traveled with his father's theatrical company, and the stage was an important part of his life.

19. The Virginia strawberry, native to eastern North America, was used in pre-colonial times ________.

20. Touch-typing was originally devised as an aid to ________.

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 29 và bài TOEFL - Lesson 28

TOEFL - Lesson 28

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 28

1. The rhinoceros has a rather poor sense of smell, nor ________.

2. Before ________, they used horse-drawn wooden carts.

3. ________ for overall health.

4. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds ________.

5. Had the fire been worse, the whole factory ________ to the ground.

6. The student was told that he could hand in the lost wallet to ________.

7. The changes in this city have occurred ________.

8. Nacy hasn't begun working on her Ph.D. ________ working on her master's.

9. ________ actress's life is in many ways unlike that of other women.

10. Management ________ as the organization and coordination of an enterprise.

11. Beavers have been known to use logs, branches, rocks, and mud to build dams that are more than a thousand ________

12. This university's programs ________ those of Harvard.

13. ________ created the donkey and elephant that symbolize the Democratic and Republican parties.

14. An equilateral triangle is a triangle ________ and three angles of equal size.

15. The definitions for "gram calories" or "calories" are ________ for most engineering work.

16. When your body does not get ________, it cannot make the glucose it needs.

17. John Dewey advocated teaching methods that provided teaching experiences for students to participate in ________ material to memorize.

18. In a liberal arts curriculum, it is assumed that graduates will ________ about English, languages, literature, history, and the other social sciences.

19. Please ________ photocopies of copyrighted material without the permission of the publisher.

20. Not until a monkey is several years old ________ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 27 và bài TOEFL - Lesson 28

TOEFL - Lesson 27

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 27

1. ________ owe much of their success as a group to their unusual powers of migration.

2. Even if the unemployment rate ________ sharply, the drop may still be temporary.

3. June was very angry that her mail from home ________.

4. His wife ________ told that he had had an accident.

5. The freshman read an advertisement ________ the newspaper about an apartment to rent.

6. They went to the store to buy knives, forks, spoons and ________.

7. Many of the current international problems we are now facing ________.

8. The crime rate has continued to rise in American cities despite efforts on the part of both government and private citizens to curb ________.

9. ________ of commodities by air began in the 1920s at the same time as airmail service.

10. Thirty-eight national sites are known as parks, another eighty-two as monuments, and ________.

11. ________ daily promotes physical as well as emotional well-being in people of all ages.

12. Although the scientific community had hoped that the field of transplantation ________ , the shortage of organ donors has curtailed research.

13. ________ apples are grown in Washington State.

14. Countries may ________ the World Bank for development projects.

15. The average elevation of the Himalayas is twenty thousand feet, and Mount Everest ________ to more than twenty-nine thousand feet at its apex.

16. ________ migrate long distances is well documented.

17. To relieve pressure in the skull, ________ into the blood.

18. A slipped disk is a condition ________ the intervertebral disk protrudes and presses on nerves.

19. The pirate Jean Lafitte offered his services to the U.S. government in the War of 1812, ________ in 1815, and received a full pardon from President James Madison.

20. The facilities of the older hospital________

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 27 và bài TOEFL - Lesson 26

TOEFL - Lesson 26

Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 26

1. Fire-resistant materials are used to retard ________ of modern aircraft in case of accidents.

2. Because the United States does not have much oil anymore, imported oil ________ used more and more.

3. The FDA was set up in 1940 ________ that maintain standards for the sale of food and drugs.

4. If a ruby is heated it ________ temporarily lose its color.

5. Robots are being used increasingly in industry as they can work on large jobs faster, are more precise and ________.

6. The algebra of sets ________ Boolean algebra.

7. That magnificent ________ temple was constructed by the Chinese.

8. ________ the formation of the Sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud.

9. ________ in Shanghai than in any other city in China.

10. That most natural time units are not simple multiples of each other ________ in constructing a calendar.

11. In the U.S. more than 60 percent of all high school students who ________ continue their education.

12. Although southern California is densely populated, ________ live in the northern part of the state.

13. Waitresses and waiters who serve ________ deserve at least a 20 percent tip.

14. If water is heated to 212 degrees F. ________ as steam.

15. The total production of bushels of corn in the United States is ________ all other cereal crops combined.

16. By the time a baby has reached his first birthday, he should, without the help of an adult, ________ sit up or even stand up.

17. The sport of hang gliding ________ by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

18. It is the recommendation of the U.S. Public Health Service ________ all children be vaccinated against a variety of diseases.

19. Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, ________ in 1607.

20. ________ of the play, 'Mourning Becomes Electra', introduces the cast of characters and hints at the plot.

Xem lại bài TOEFL - Lesson 25