Trình độ TOEFL - Bài 13
1. It has been estimated that ________ one hundred thousand men participated in the gold rush of 1898.2. A seventeen-year-old is not ________ to vote in an election.
3. As soon as ________ with an acid, salt, and sometimes water, is formed.
4. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot ________.
5. The skiers would rather________ through the mountains than go by bus.
6. He has received several scholarships ________
7. The doctor insisted that his patient ________
8. Legumes take nitrogen into their roots ________ the air.
9. So little ________ that he failed the examination.
10. The belief in life after death is prevalent in both primitive societies ________ advanced cultures.
11. Copper is the favored metal for electricians' wire because of ________.
12. Before the Angles and the Saxons ________ to England, the Iberians had lived there.
13. A college bookstore that sells used textbooks stocks ________ along with the new ones on the shelf under the course title.
14. ________ discovery of insulin, it was not possible to treat diabetes.
15. Out of John Kenneth Galbraith's The Affluent Society ________ for an increase in public goods, potentially at the expense of private goods.
16. The human body has four jugular veins, ________ each side of the neck.
17. When ________ of impulses from many of the neurons in one part of the brain, an epileptic seizure occurs.
18. Aspirin is used ________ a constriction of the blood vessels.
19. ________ gene in the human genome were more completely understood, many human diseases could be cured or prevented.
20. Only after food has been dried or canned ________.
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