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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 42

Tìm từ sai trong số các từ được gạch chân - Trình độ TOEFL, Bài số 42

1. Latent learning is the association of indifferent stimuli or situations with one the other without reward.

2. When children get their first pair of glasses, they are often surprise to see that trees and flowers have sharp clear outlines.

3. In Quebec, Canada, the flowing of the maple sap is one of the first sign of spring.

4. The school board decided to suspend the new teacher who late to proctor the final examination.

5. He promised he come on time but he forgot about the heavy traffic at that time of the morning.

6. Many plant varieties, including most orchids and many of our trees and shrubs have little or no root hairs.

7. My brother is in California on vacation, but I wish he was here so that he could help me repair my car.

8. Our new neighbors had been living in Arizona since ten years before moving to their present house.

9. The Columbine flower can survive in almost any type of gardens condition in the United States.

10. Ralph has called his lawyer last to tell him about his problems, but was told that the lawyer had gone to a lecture.

11. The amount of copper sulfate used in the experiment depends from the intensity of the heat.

12. American baseball teams, once the only contenders for the world championship, are now being challenged by either Japanese teams and Venezuelan teams.

13. There are twenty species of wild roses in North America, all of which have prickly stems, pinnate leaves, and large flowers, which usually smell sweetly.

14. Jane Addams had already established Hull House in Chicago and began her work in the Women's Suffrage Movement when she was awarded the Nobel prize for peace.

15. During Jackson's administration, those who did not approve of permit common people in the White House were shocked by the president's insistence that they be invited into the mansion.

16. Boys cannot become Cub Scouts unless completed the first grade.

17. The religion attempts to clarify man's relationship with a superhuman power.

18. Although the "Lake Poets" Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey were friends, they did not really form a group since Southey's style differed wide from that of the other two.

19. Everyone who has traveled across the United States by car, train, or bus are surprised to see such a large expanse of territory with such variation among the life-styles of the people.

20. Patrick was very late getting home last night, and unfortunately for him, the dog barking woke everyone up.

Xem lại bài Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 41 và bài Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 42