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Friday, September 14, 2007

Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 46

Tìm từ sai trong số các từ được gạch chân - Trình độ TOEFL, Bài số 46

1. The Department of Foreign Languages are not located in the new building opposite the old one.

2. The growth rate of the Pacific Rim countries is five times fast as comparable areas during the Industrial Revolution.

3. As the Asian economic miracle spreads throughout the Pacific, wage increases everywhere is affecting millions of consumers.

4. The surface of the tongue covered with tiny taste buds.

5. After writing it, the essay must be duplicated by the student himself and handed into the department secretary before the end of the month.

6. She has decided to take a same classes as you next, semester hoping you will help her.

7. Although he was happily married he preferred spending lately hours at work to spending evenings lazily at home.

8. The committee decided to have biannual meetings together with families to be held every six months at the beach.

9. Until diamonds are cut and polished, they just like look small blue-grey stones.

10. The cobras when them strike raise themselves high above the ground on their tails and then fall forward.

11. Natural gas is compose of hydrocarbon molecules that break apart into hydrogen and carbon atoms when heated.

12. The prices at The Economy Center are as reasonable, if not more reasonable, as those at comparable discount stores.

13. Miami, Florida, is among the few cities in the United States which has been awarded official status as a bilingual municipality.

14. Without alphabetical order, dictionaries would be impossibility to use.

15. Sheep must have mate in fall since the young are born in early spring every year.

16. Papyrus was used for to make not only paper but also sails, baskets, and clothing.

17. Sharks differ from other fish in that their skeletons are made of cartilage instead bone.

18. In the 1800's botanist Asa Gray worked to describe and classifying the plants found in North America.

19. For photosynthesis to occur, a leaf requires carbon dioxide, water, and light is also necessary.

20. When caterpillars are fully-grown, they attach themselves to a leave or twig and form a shell around itself called a cocoon.

Xem lại bài Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 46 và bài Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 45