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Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL Reading Comprehension Synonym word TOEFL

Monday, September 10, 2007

Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 33

Tìm từ sai trong số các từ được gạch chân - Trình độ TOEFL, Bài số 33

1. There were so much people trying to leave the burning building that the police had a great deal of trouble controlling them.

2. Lasers are indispensable tools for delicate eyes surgery.

3. Psychologists at the University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of a room on people's behavior.

4. Rock music was original a mixture of country music and rhythm and blues.

5. It took eight years to complete the Erie Canal, the 365-mile waterway which it connects Albany and Buffalo in New York State.

6. The woman at that desk over there will giving you all the information you need to fill out the form.

7. People entering a tropical jungle for the first time are always amazed at how wet it is, how green it is and its incredible beauty.

8. Aluminum has a hard imperious coasting which protects the metal from corrode.

9. The members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate are election by the citizens of the United States.

10. There was a very interesting news on the radio this morning about the earthquake in Italy.

11. Have designed his own plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis", Lindbergh flew from Roosevelt Field in New York across the ocean to Le Bourget Field outside Paris.

12. The instructor advised the students for the procedures to follow in writing the term paper.

13. While searching for the wreckage of a unidentified aircraft, the Coast Guard encountered severe sqiuals at sea.

14. The more the relative humidity reading rises, the worst the heat affects us.

15. The rest of the stockholders will receive his reports in the mail along with a copy of today's proceedings.

16. The bridge at Niagara Falls spans the longer unguarded border in the history of the world, symbolizing the peace and goodwill that exists between Canada and the United States.

17. Factoring is the process of finding two or more expressions whose product is equal as the given expression.

18. The higher the solar activity, the intense the auroras or polar light displays in the skies near the earth's geomagnetic poles.

19. Because entertaining is such a competitive business, a group of singers or musicians needing a manager to help market the music.

20. Nero Claudius Caesar, to please themselves, killed his mother, his brother, and all his advisers, and finally killed himself out of self-love.

Xem lại bài Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 32 và bài Incorrect word-TOEFL- Lesson 33

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