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Friday, September 28, 2007

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 37

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 37

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   The loss of jobs and persistent unemployment in the industrial countries
is due mainly to changes in technology. It is thought to be misleading
to blame job losses on the shift of corporations from the industrial
countries to the Third World.
The present technological developments have been compared to a Third
Industrial Revolution. The first, coming in the 19th century, was
characterized by the steam engine and the use of coal. In the 1920s
the second emerged with the use of oil and the electrodynamo. The
10 third, and present one, is driven by computers, biotechnology and
information technology.

However, there can be seen weaknesses in the newest of industrial
revolutions. The technology is advancing so fast and productivity
15 is rising so fast that we are left with a big problem. Because of
the loss in jobs, caused largely by this new technology, there will
not be enough people with money to buy all these products.

Technology has definitely enhanced our standard of living, even our
20 quality of life. But as the capacity to produce expands and the lack
of purchasing power and consequent demand diminish, there can be
overproduction and recession, and what happens to our standard of
1. What is the main point the author is making?

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of one of the industrial revolutions?

3. What is stated as being the main weakness of the Third Industrial Revolution?

4. Why does the author think that there won't be enough people to buy the products?

5. What do we infer is the author's attitude to technology?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 36 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 37

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