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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 50

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 50

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Americans have in the past century assumed that their schools will
be comprehensive, especially at the secondary, or high school, level.
Stated another way, there has always been broad agreement in American
society that public education will not follow a strictly defined
5 course of study, but instead will offer a variety of options from
which students may choose.

Comprehensiveness has been a corollary of the American decision to
educate the mass of the nation's children and youth, without systematically
10 winnowing out the academically less qualified. Providing education
for such a heterogeneous group of students has necessarily involved
taking account of various levels of intelligence, various career
aspirations, various interests, and various levels of social experiences.

15 Comprehensiveness in education has not implied fragmentation in the
school's curriculum. Instead, it has affirmed that schools must provide
options that reflect the diversity of interests and abilities of
their students, while still concentrating on the fundamental learning
1. What is the main topic of the passage?

2. What do most Americans think about public education?

3. How does comprehensivess compare with the way children are taught in the US?

4. What is not mentioned in the passage as being taken into account when providing education for a mixed group of students?

5. What has comprehensiveness done to American education?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 49 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 50

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 49

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 49

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Thomas Jefferson disliked the deference in the early American buildings
to the architecture of Georgian England, which served as a constant
reminder of monarchial tyranny and the bloody years of the War of
Independence. He aspired to a more timeless architecture, based at
5 first on his favored Renaissance styles, which in turn were based
on the architecture of ancient Rome.

What made Jefferson's buildings especially American was the way they
were integrated into the landscape. His beloved home, Monticello,
10 was pushed into a hilltop so that its spreading service wings would
not obstruct the sweeping panorama of the Blue Ridge Mountains visible
from the house. The building became a part of the hill and made possible
views of tilled lowlands to the east and a rugged wilderness that
stretched to the west.
All of Jefferson's buildings were created with a clear view to utility
and with a special relationship to the landscape. He favored grassy
terraces with views if possible to the mountains. But his buildings
also showed his idealism, to serve as examples of good architecture,
20 which usually meant the architecture of classical antiquity, which
was for him the architecture of a republic.
1. What is the purpose of the passage?

2. In what way were Jefferson's buildings very American?

3. What was NOT true about Jefferson's buildings?

4. What does the author feel Jefferson considered a good architect?

5. What is the tone of the passage?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 48 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 49

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 48

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 48

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Science as we know it today can be said to have started with the ancient
Greeks, with the likes of Herodotus, Aristotle and Theophrastus,
all of whom lived from 300 to 500 years before Christ.

5 Their findings were still valid two millenniums later, when science
was reborn with the Renaissance following the Dark Ages when after
the fall of Rome, roughly 1000 years after the Greeks created their
scientific theories, science and learning were forgotten during the
ravages of war and disease which enveloped the whole of the then
10 civilized world.

Geology, even mineralogy, can be traced back to the Greeks. They recognized
that the position of the land and sea had changed and that a great
length of time had been necessary for these changes. They believed
15 the world was round, that the orbits of planets were also circular
and they noticed that heavy objects fell faster than light ones.
So, more sciences than one can be said to have begun with the Greeks.

Of course, all their learning might have disappeared for good during
20 the six or seven centuries of the Dark Ages. But the Arabs were also
interested in science, and they were at the edge of the Dark Ages,
so they were able to preserve the findings of the Greeks, translating
some of their work and even building on it. When science finally
took root again in the Middle Ages it was based very much on the
25 ideas and work of the Greeks.
1. What's the main point the author is making in this passage?

2. According to the passage what was the reason science had to make a recovery?

3. According to the passage which of the following was NOT among the findings made by the Greeks?

4. Why were the Arabs able to preserve the findings of the Greeks?

5. What might the next part of the lecture be about?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 47 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 48

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 47

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 47

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   What biologists refer to as succession usually begins as a result
of natural destruction, such as by fire or flood. It can also be
caused directly by man; he is responsible for the destruction of
a lot of the world's nature.. Succession, sometimes called secondary
5 succession, will occur when species of nature are destroyed and the
land is left alone to recover.

During the early decades of the settlement of North America a lot
of beech-maple forest in New England was cut down to make way for
10 farming. However, as is well-known in American history, very many
settlers moved west, abandoning their farms. Secondary succession
then began in the fields that were left untended. At first, stronger
grasses and weeds appeared in the fields. Then, shrubs started growing,
followed by a re-emergence of some trees, like junipers and pines.
15 Eventually, beeches and maples were able to grow protected by the
other trees, and after a time what was open land had become once
again forest.

This is still happening in New England and in many other parts of
20 the world. This does of course mean that there is still hope for
our planet, just so long as people keep on moving as they have throughout
history. The only real problem is the great amount of time needed
to achieve complete secondary succession.
1. What is the best title for the passage?

2. Which of the following is NOT according to the passage a cause of the destruction of nature?

3. What was NOT a reason for the start of secondary succession in New England?

4. What is the reason the author gives for the eventual re-growth of the beeches and maples?

5. What's the tone of this passage?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 46 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 47

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 46

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 46

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   There is one planet that still fascinates and teases scientists, mainly
because it doesn't have an atmosphere to obscure observation, yet
it is not big enough for sufficiently accurate telescopic observation.
The fact that it is also very close to the sun also makes it difficult
5 for astronomers.

However, space telescopes have told us a lot more about Mercury. It
is rather similar to Earth's moon, and to Mars. There are mountainous
areas dotted with craters and large valleys which are uncratered.
10 The moon's valleys have fewer cracks and the ridges are smoother.
Mercury's valleys are filled with volcanic rocks, similar to on the
moon, yet there is no evidence of volcanoes, even extinct ones, on
Mercury, as there is on both Mars and the moon, and of course here
on Earth.
So, scientists presume the valleys on Mercury were caused by different
things, that is to say not by volcanoes, but by very large meteorites,
which also caused the cracks in the terrain and left the ridges rough
and uneven. More and better photos of Mercury are needed to prove
20 what are at present at best only hypotheses.
1. What is the topic of this passage?

2. Why does one planet still tease scientists?

3. What is true about Mercury but not true about the moon or Mars?

4. What does the author imply space telescopes can do better than land-based telescopes?

5. What can we infer from the passage that astronomers still need to get more detailed observation of Mercury?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 46 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 45

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 45

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 45

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   A major challenge to management in the late 1970s and early 1980s
was the need to increase the productivity of American business. Before
that, the productivity growth rate of US industry had begun to fall
behind Japan and even Western Europe. If the country's economy was
5 to go forward a radical change in productivity was called for.

But to return to the high productivity growth rate of the years when
the US was still the world leader required many changes and solutions
to problems. Management, for a start, had to be revitalized, re-thought
10 out. The energy problem, both the shortage and the high price, had
to be solved. Business operations as a whole had to be improved.
Above all, efficiency, basically the efficiency of the management
since it directly affects the efficiency of the labor force, had
to be improved. This meant better efficiency in employing all the
15 necessary resources, whether they be natural, human or financial.

Effective management, therefore, was realized to be the sole key factor
for increasing productivity and returning the US economy to the number
20 one spot.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. Which country or continent was probably the world leader in productivity in the early 1970s?

3. According to the author what was the problem with American management?

4. What does the author imply will happen if the management is not efficient?

5. What does the author feel is the most important way to increase productivity?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 44 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 45

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 44

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 44

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Many forces, hospital managers, medical practitioners, parents too,
continue to increase pressure to do more outpatient surgery for children.

The emphasis on faster operating room turnaround time, more effective
5 use of space and personnel and the presumed resulting cost reduction
are commonly sought goals. These goals are important for all patients,
but especially for the pediatric patient, who being much younger
is free from systemic disease and requires simpler, shorter surgical
procedures, and a shorter convalescence.
Despite many advantages pediatric outpatient surgery can have problems.
Since children are usually healthy and usually recover from surgery,
some doctors may assume that all such patients are outpatient candidates.
There may be delays and inappropriate scheduling caused by rush,
15 by inappropriate consultation and previously undiagnosed diseases.

However, nearly all problems can be solved by proper patient selection.
Many more patients than at present can undergo outpatient anesthesia,
reducing the separation time of the child from the family. The advantages
20 listed above will be enhanced when combined with appropriate postoperative
discharge criteria and out-of-hospital care. Everyone will benefit:
the child, the family, the physician, the hospital staff and even
the third party payer.
1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the aims mentioned in the passage?

3. What does the author imply by saying that some doctors assume that all children can be outpatients?

4. The audience for this passage could most likely be?

5. What is the author's attitude towards more outpatient surgery for children?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 43 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 44

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 43

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 43

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   The United States of America comprises probably the greatest mixture
of nationalities and races to be found anywhere in the world. The
fact that most of these people entered the country as immigrants
and later were awarded naturalization is a leading factor behind
5 both the growth and philosophy of what has become one of the greatest
nations of all time. Without immigration the US would have remained
an insular, second-class country which despite its size, or maybe
because of it, would nowadays be rated with Russia, India or Mexico.

10 Very important to this immigration is the diversity. Firstly, the
majority of immigrants came from Europe. Then, they came mainly from
the American continent. Finally, Asia has become the area from which
most immigrants come, that is if we don't count illegal immigrants,
for if we include these the Americas still supply the largest number
15 of people coming into the country. Of course, we must not forget
the large number of Africans that were brought over as slaves and
have remained to become full American citizens.

We can say that this variety of peoples truly does represent the whole
20 world; we can even find Australasian immigrants. And it is this diversity
that has certainly created many, still unsolved, problems, but it
has also created a truly world nation, one that has been able to
draw on the intrinsic skills and qualities of every nation of the
1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

2. Why in the opinion of the author has the U.S.A. become a great country?

3. According to the passage from which continent do most people coming to the US come from?

4. What do we understand the author to mean by the word 'even' in line 20?

5. What is the tone of the passage?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 42 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 43

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 42

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 42

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Adam Smith thought up the principle of division of labor two centuries
ago. Well, to be honest, he couldn't be said to have invented it;
the principle was used by the ancient Egyptians to build the pyramids.
He was however the person who put it down in writing, and it became
5 the classic principle on which the Industrial Revolution was based.
Now, it's time for Adam to move over. Re-engineering has appeared
and appears to be taking over from the old principles.

If you want to make a good company a better one, you need re-engineering.
10 The book by Michael Hammer and his co-author, Re-engineering the
Corporations, calls for radically changing the way most companies
are run. No longer should work be divided into different tasks, but
instead the whole process of work has to be re-conceptualized. That
is if a company wants to achieve more than an acceptable increase
15 in productivity and profits.

Today business is no longer a series of functions, but a process of
work that requires a horizontal set-up. There should be team work.
New procedures and new strategies should be continually established.
20 Information technology must be fully utilized. Above all, production
should be geared towards serving customers better and taking full
advantage of new technologies. Re-engineering involves a totally
new approach to business, one which if achieved will lead to steady,
even sensational, improvements in performance and consequently in
25 market share.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?

2. What does the author imply about Adam Smith?

3. What doesn't re-engineering call for?

4. What is the most important factor in re-engineering?

5. Which of the following best describes the author's attitude to re-engineering.

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 41 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 42

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 41

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 41

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   American beer is probably, together with French beer, the most maligned
beer in the world. Americans possibly care more for liquor and the
French definitely like their wine. But now American beer is making
a comeback; it's pushing foreign imported beers off supermarket shelves
5 and is even causing ripples in markets abroad. And the secret to
all this is the microbrew.

Inspired by a campaign for real ale in Britain, which was successful
at keeping mass-marketed beers from destroying the small, local breweries,
10 the microbrew started in the 1970s on the west coast. However, in
the 80s, affluence brought about a change in spending and in taste,
this time for the more expensive foreign beers. But now the micros
are back.

15 Basically all the microbrew is a more flavorful, speciality beer,
not mass-produced but produced in smallish quantities by a small
brewery and often sold locally. Samuel Adams sells in New England,
Redhook Ale in Seattle and Brooklyn Lager originally of course from
New York, also sells in Japan. They are spreading their small wings.
People are learning that beer can come in a myriad of tastes and colors,
and it can be fresh and inexpensive, just so long as it is a microbrew.
1. What is the main point the author is trying to make?

2. Why did they start producing microbrews on the west coast in the 1970s?

3. What does the author give as the reason why Americans preferred microbrews to foreign beers?

4. What is NOT a reason for the success of the microbrew?

5. What best describes the author's attitude to the new beer?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 41 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 40

Friday, September 28, 2007

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 40

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 40

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   What are the keys to career success? Our background? Our education?
Maybe. But they only affect our careers; they by no means guarantee
success. If there is any guarantee of success, and that is questionable,
it is through one's own intrinsic qualities, one's own hard work
5 and a constant re-assessment of one's goals.

A recent study in the US showed that something between 10 and 20%
of the Harvard College Class of 1958 have lost their jobs in the
past ten years. So, not only the best education but also the best
10 possible social background cannot guarantee career success.

If these people, mainly men, had not believed their background was
an insurance to success in life, and if they had searched for ways
to make new and better-quality contributions to their work, they
15 wouldn't now be out of work. Anyone can succeed, and anyone can fail,
and in terms of one's career this is very important to recognize.
As long as one has goals and one takes action to achieve these goals,
then one can be said to be following a successful career strategy.
1. Which of the following would be a suitable title for the passage?

2. As used in line 4 the word "intrinsic" means

3. What does the author imply the reason is why the Harvard graduates lost their jobs?

4. What is the way to a successful career strategy?

5. What is the author's attitude to having a good education?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 39 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 40

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 39

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 39

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   One of the factors in global warming is carbon monoxide. The more
carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, the less the atmosphere is able
to clean itself. The result is a warming of the atmosphere, the so-called
global warming, and possibly ozone damage.
Earlier, it was found that carbon monoxide was concentrated in the
Southern Hemisphere, and could be attributed to deforestation. Huge
areas of forest and grasslands in South America and Africa have been
burned, putting carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. Recently, however,
10 the Southern Hemisphere has been found to be clean, while the Northern
Hemisphere is more polluted than expected.

The latest research was done during the northern winter. The high
levels in the Northern Hemisphere could be because of this. In winter
15 carbon monoxide is destroyed more slowly. There are also more fires
burned in winter, and possibly industrial processes work harder.
It could also reflect the ever-increasing number of cars on the roads.
Optimists hope that the reason why the North has overtaken the South
as the major area of carbon monoxide is that at last the burning
20 has stopped, or at least slowed down.
1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for carbon dioxide?

3. According to the author which of the following is a reason why in winter there is more carbon-monoxide in the atmosphere?

4. Why are the optimists happy?

5. What is the attidude of the author towards the new findings?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 38 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 39

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 38

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 38

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Shirts which stay wrinkle-free are now being produced in Japan and
the US. Until now, the only solution for people in a hurry has been
permanent press shirts, which didn't need ironing after washing or
wearing. But they were made of polyester. The new ones don't need
5 ironing either, but they are a combination of the comfort of cotton
and the wrinkle-free convenience of polyester.

Polyester shirts became popular in the 1960s because their threads
stabilize fabrics. Wrinkles form when the space between the fabric's
10 molecules contracts during washing or wearing. Polyester acts as
girders holding the fabric's molecules in place. Unlike the most
popular material for shirts, cotton, though, polyester doesn't breathe,
let through air, and it can't absorb perspiration.

15 So, the new blends of cotton and polyester and the specially treated
cottons will be a big hit, having a much bigger impact than permanent
press did. The only problem is the shirts still have a slightly rubbery
feel, from the resin the fabric is coated in. However, manufacturers
promise that eventually resin-treated cotton shirts will also feel
20 just like cotton.
1. What is the main topic of this passage?

2. What is the main difference between the new and old shirts?

3. Why did polyester shirts become popular?

4. An example of the advantages of cotton over polyester is

5. What do you feel the author's attitude to the new shirts is?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 37 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 38

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 37

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 37

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   The loss of jobs and persistent unemployment in the industrial countries
is due mainly to changes in technology. It is thought to be misleading
to blame job losses on the shift of corporations from the industrial
countries to the Third World.
The present technological developments have been compared to a Third
Industrial Revolution. The first, coming in the 19th century, was
characterized by the steam engine and the use of coal. In the 1920s
the second emerged with the use of oil and the electrodynamo. The
10 third, and present one, is driven by computers, biotechnology and
information technology.

However, there can be seen weaknesses in the newest of industrial
revolutions. The technology is advancing so fast and productivity
15 is rising so fast that we are left with a big problem. Because of
the loss in jobs, caused largely by this new technology, there will
not be enough people with money to buy all these products.

Technology has definitely enhanced our standard of living, even our
20 quality of life. But as the capacity to produce expands and the lack
of purchasing power and consequent demand diminish, there can be
overproduction and recession, and what happens to our standard of
1. What is the main point the author is making?

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of one of the industrial revolutions?

3. What is stated as being the main weakness of the Third Industrial Revolution?

4. Why does the author think that there won't be enough people to buy the products?

5. What do we infer is the author's attitude to technology?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 36 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 37

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 36

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 36

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Researchers don't think there's any question that the discovery of
a gene which appears to be linked to many types of cancer is really
exciting and the best news for the public in a long time. The gene
is involved in a high percentage of human cancers and its discovery
5 might eventually lead to the development of a new anti-cancer treatment.

In normal cells this gene, named MTS1, acts as a brake during the
cell division process. But the researchers have found that the cell
is missing in about half of the tumor cells they studied, allowing
10 uncontrolled division of cells to take place, and the resulting spread
of the cancer.

This discovery could be exploited in two ways, either by supplying
the missing gene through gene therapy or by copying its function
15 in a drug. Of course, this is not the first gene to be found that
can suppress tumors; in fact it's the eleventh or twelfth. However,
because of its seemingly wider presence, or absence, the knowledge
of its existence could lead to a cure for some types of cancer.
1. What is the purpose of this passage?

2. Why is the discovery good news for the public?

3. What does MTS1 do?

4. How might the discovery be used in the future?

5. What does the author imply about the new discovery?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 35 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 36

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 35

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 35

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   According to top executives in the industry, cigarette smoking is
merely a nice habit, to be compared with chewing gum or drinking
your morning cup of coffee, and is no more addictive than eating
candies. But what is in fact the difference between eating donuts
5 and smoking cigarettes? It is one of possible obesity or possible

In the U.S. about 400,000 deaths a year can be attributed to cigarette
smoking. Cigarette makers insist that there is no proof that heart
10 disease, even lung cancer, or any other disease, is actually caused
by cigarettes. They deny adding nicotine to cigarettes; they even
deny nicotine is addictive. They say that if it was, how could 40
million Americans have given up smoking in the last 20 years. They
compare it to coffee drinking and ask if coffee manufacturers are
15 accused of adding caffeine to their coffee.

Whatever the facts are, there is no doubt however that cigarette manufacturers
do try to entice young people, even in their teens, to smoke, by
advertisements and promotions that create an image even more addictive
20 than the nicotine in cigarettes.
1. What is the best title for the passage?

2. What is the attitude of cigarette manufacturers to nicotine?

3. Why do cigarette makers compare cigarette smoking with coffee drinking?

4. As used in line 18 the word "entice" means?

5. The author implies in the passage that cigarette manufacturers do?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 34 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 35

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 33

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 33

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Scientists believe they now have scientific evidence to prove that
ecosystems work better when there is a greater variety of species
within them. This bio-diversity is being lost destroying natural
mechanisms that could repair the damage caused by man.
Findings show that losing plants and animals is not only reducing
our quality of life but actually endangering our very existence.
We cut down rich rain-forests and replace them with one species plantations,
such as pine and eucalyptus. We plough up meadows rich in different
10 grasses and herbs and replace them with one grass, for instance rye
or wheat.

When a natural ecosystem is simplified the basic processes in the
ecosystem are altered and even damaged. Without their bio-diversity
15 they are not able to serve as the natural cleaners of our planet.
No longer are they able to absorb the carbon dioxide that is being
produced in excess. The result is global warming, caused by the increase
in the "greenhouse effect", and ultimately, or even sooner, there
will be a change in the world's climate.
1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

2. Which of the following is NOT a species used to replace a rich ecosystem?

3. What is the purpose of paragraph 2?

4. What according to the passage might be the final result of the simplification of natural ecosystems?

5. What is the author's attitude to the loss of biodiversity?

Xem lại bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 32 và bài Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 33

Reading-Comprehension-Lesson 34

Đọc hiểu -TOEFL- Bài 34

Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi:
   Which is the world's highest, driest, coldest and windiest continent?
Which is the only place on earth not yet ruined, still untouched
by the destructive hand of man? Australasia? Or "the ice", as Antarctica
is referred to by its old friends? Of course, the former still has
5 large areas as yet untouched, but nothing like the huge virgin expanses
of "the ice".

Now, the virgin continent has become the source of yet another conflict
between scientists and environmentalists. The latter believe that
10 Antarctica must be maintained as such and that scientists should
be careful not to leave behind anything that might damage the environment.
Scientists say that limited local environmental impact has to be
expected and accepted, because the continent is an important natural
laboratory for estimating the effects humans have on the globe, even
15 functioning as a kind of early-warning system for the whole planet.

There is a treaty designed to protect this continent which has only
8,000 inhabitants and most of them not permanent , but contains 70%
of the world's fresh water. Oil and minerals cannot be exploited,
20 but what controls are there on the growing number of scientists,
explorers and even tourists?
1. What is the main topic of the passage?

2. According to the passage what is the main reason for the conflict between the scientists and the environmentalists?

3. What cannot be said about Antarctica?

4. Which of the following can people still do in Antarctica?

5. What can be inferred from the passage?

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