Choice of Lesson (Bấm chuột vào ô sổ xuống bên dưới và chọn bài kiểm tra)

Level A Level B Level C TOEFL Incorrect word TOEFL Reading Comprehension Synonym word TOEFL

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Trinh do C - Bai 55

Trình độ C - Bài 55

1. He often ________ about his expensive car.

2. Have you heard the news? Charles has got married ________ Sarah.

3. He went to bed ________ very ill.

4. Could you ________ me five pounds? I'll pay you back next Monday.

5. Doctors hope that one day a cure for cancer will ________.

6. My wife and I have much pleasure in ________ the invitation to your daughter's wedding.

7. He is a very ________ player. He practises for two hours every morning.

8. I had a ________, which I couldn't explain, that something terrible was going to happen.

9. If you're trying to lose weight, you should ________ off fatty food.

10. When he felt school, John decided to ________ a priest instead of studying languages.

11. She ________ drive to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead.

12. ________ hard he tries, John never wins at tennis.

13. When he was hit on the head, he ________ consciousness.

14. He got a bad mark because he had ________ a lot of mistakes in his homework.

15. The student who ________ in his exams was expelled from the school.

16. The car came round the corner ________ full speed.

17. I dreamt ________ you last night.

18. - Didn't he wait for me? - No, he ________.

19. If I can't come back on time, Betty ________ her dinner alone.

20. As black as ________ = very dirty.

Trinh do C - Bai 54

Trình độ C - Bài 54

1. When I was a child I always wanted to ________ to play the piano.

2. I can't make ________ what's happening.

3. I've put on so much weight that my clothes don't ________ me any more.

4. He's such a naughty child; it's amazing what his mother lets him ________ away with.

5. Bob ________ to the hospital five minutes before the birth of his daughter.

6. He took the trouble to write ________ the complete list for us.

7. ________ the papers, the Prime Minister is giving a speech on the economy tomorrow.

8. Clearing the weeds from the churchyard was a much harder ________ than the children had imagined it would be.

9. It is a minor road and very narrow and ________ in places.

10. My application for a trading licence was ________.

11. I am very fond of Graham Greene's novels. He is my ________ modern author.

12. Jane studied zoology at university and ________.

13. Biting one's fingernails is a very bad ________.

14. Are you saying you want me to work all weekend? You ________ be serious.

15. He is so keen ________ learning, you should encourage him in his efforts.

16. Don't blame me ________ that!

17. I don't think he actually had ________ me about his problems.

18. The judge shouted to counsel on both sides that he would ________ no argument on the issue and enjoined them to ________.

19. Leadville was ________ out when the silver boom collapsed in 1893.

20. The politician rehearsed his speech again and again until he was unsure that he was word ________.

Trinh do C - Bai 53

Trình độ C - Bài 53

1. When the police eventually found my wallet, it was completely ________.

2. It was a sad day when the factory finally closed and the workers were all ________.

3. You will become ill ________ you stop working so hard.

4. The sooner we leave this terrible hotel, the ________!

5. You won't need an umbrella after all: the weather seems to be ________.

6. When you stay in a country for some time you get used to the people's ________ of life.

7. We can no longer afford the cost of ________ two cars, so we're selling one.

8. A soldier has to learn to carry ________ orders as soon as they are given.

9. Too many footballers these days refuse to ________ the referee's decision.

10. It's not fair that I ________ always have to do the washing-up.

11. I don't think Nicole will have any problems at the interview: she's a very self-________ young lady.

12. Last summer was so hot that the ________ in the wood actually dried up.

13. It is over a year ________ I visited the dentist.

14. There's an interesting job ________ in today's newspaper.

15. The drawing lessons usually start ________ 4 p.m.

16. I though you said that you were ________ to be in Spain this weekend.

17. Motorway traffic was ________ after a lorry overturned and spilt its load over the northbound carriageway.

18. Being described by the Americans as a homemaker seems infinitely preferable to being referred to as a(n) ________ housewife.

19. I wish they ________ change their minds so often!

20. The Tabors lived a life thought to be ________ even by their contemporaries.

Trinh do C - Bai 52

Trình độ C - Bài 52

1. Take the number 7 bus and get ________ at Forest Road.

2. My sister had a baby daughter yesterday, and she is my first ________.

3. Will the Government be able to ________ all their immense difficulties?

4. There was nothing ________ to eat in the refrigerator or in the cupboard.

5. The teacher was angry with them because they kept ________ talking at the back of the class.

6. After going to several interviews, she eventually ________ to get a job.

7. If only he ________ told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn't have gone so wrong.

8. A small ________ of students was waiting outside the class to see the teacher.

9. Many countries still rely on rice as the ________ food.

10. Please take your place in the ________.

11. He liked to sit ________ the river and fish.

12. The poor man had fallen ________ in front of a bus.

13. Last time his teacher brougt him some books ________ art.

14. I am thinking of looking ________ a new job.

15. I've never been good ________ arithmetic.

16. I'm afraid it's pointless ________.

17. There is no need for you to shout ________.

18. I ________ him about it for more than two days now and I still don't know the answer.

19. He ________ his success to hard work.

20. Because the disease is relatively rare and doctors knoe little about it, any treatment prescribed can ________ the pain but cannot ________ the patient.

Trinh do C - Bai 51

Trình độ C - Bài 51

1. In Britain home ownership has ________ rapidly since 1960.

2. Nobody ________ that aeroplane crash.

3. The bus was so late reaching the station that I ________ missed my train.

4. The manager did not offer her the job because of her untidy ________.

5. You ________ have seen the Jacobs yesterday - they're in Australia.

6. The hotel has been built on the ________ of a lake.

7. His performance was ________; the audience was delighted.

8. Please ________ your bill before you leave the shop and make sure that it is correct.

9. It's difficult to see through the windscreen - I can't even make ________ where the road is.

10. I found the book rater dull, I couldn't read it ________.

11. She has to work hard to keep the house ________ and tidy with three small children.

12. How much have you borrowed ________ me already?

13. This warm coat will protect you ________ the cold.

14. Spies may have a number of ________ names and papers.

15. He was ________ after he had packed for the holidays.

16. If I had known about it, I ________ him to go.

17. You ________ better be careful not to miss the train!

18. I hope you don't mind me ________ so late at night.

19. As cunning as a ________ = very clever, very smart.

20. Archaeology is one of the most interesting scientific ________.

Level B ( Trình độ B )

Kiểm tra kiến thức tiếng Anh trình độ B ( English Test )

Level A ( Trình độ A )

Kiểm tra kiến thức tiếng Anh trình độ A ( English Test )

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

/f/ /v/

The consonant sounds in "fed" and "vittles" are both made by putting your top teeth on your lower lip and blowing air through your teeth.

If we make these sounds the same way, then what is the difference between them? The difference is not what we do with our mouths, but what we do with our voice.

When we make a /f/ sound, we do not use our voice; the sound is quiet. Put your hand on your throat and make the sound /f/. You should not feel any movement in your throat.
However, when we make a /v/ sound, we do use our voice. Put your hand on your throat and make the /v/ sound. Can you feel the vibrations?

Watch videos with this sound! Here you can see a close-up of how your lips should look when you say /f/ and /v/. (These videos will launch a separate video viewer to play them. Make sure you have a plug-in for video clips.)

Now let's listen to some sounds!

"fed" sounds:
"vittles" sounds:

To practice voiced and voiceless sounds at the end of words, click here.

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

/s/ & /z/

The consonant sounds in "sit" and "zit" are both made by putting your teeth together and putting your tongue in the middle of your mouth, right behind your teeth, but not touching them.

If we make these sounds the same way, then what is the difference between them? The difference is not what we do with our mouths, but what we do with our voice.

When we make a /s/ sound, we do not use our voice; the sound is quiet. Put your hand on your throat and make the sound /s/. You should not feel any movement in your throat.
However, when we make a /z/ sound, we do use our voice. Put your hand on your throat and make the /z/ sound. Can you feel the vibrations?

Now let's listen to some sounds!

"sit" sounds:
"zit" sounds:

To practice voiced and voiceless sounds at the end of words, click here.

r and l sounds in English

/r/ & /l/

It is easy to confuse /r/ and /l/ in English. However, it is also easy to learn how to make the two different sounds. The big thing to remember is that when you say /r/, YOUR TONGUE SHOULD NOT TOUCH THE TOP OF YOUR MOUTH. It should be bunched up towards the back of your mouth with the tip pointing towards the top of your mouth (BUT NOT TOUCHING!). We do NOT move our tongue while making the American /r/ sound. This makes it different from the /r/ is German, Czech, or even some other English dialects, like Scottish. Your lips should also be round when you say /r/, like you are getting ready to kiss someone.

Here are some videos with /r/ sounds at the beginning of them. (These videos will launch a separate video viewer to play them. Make sure you have a plug-in for video clips.)

There are actually two different ways to make /l/ sounds in American English. The most common way is to put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your teeth (as it your were going to make a /d/ or /t/ sou nd). As you make the sound, the air comes out from the sides of your tongue. The second way to make /l/ is used after some vowels, like in the words call, full, toll, and walk. This sound is made way in the back of your mouth by putting the back of you r tongue close to the back of your mouth so that there is only a small opening for air.

/r/ sounds after a vowel change the sound of the vowel, too. This is called r colorization.

Now let's listen to some sounds!

r sounds: l sounds:

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

/d/ /t/

The consonant sounds in "did" and "ted" are both made by putting our tongue right behind our top teeth and then moving it to release a small puff of air.

If we make these sounds the same way, then what is the difference between them? The difference is not what we do with our mouths, but what we do with our voice. When we make a /t/ sound, we do not use our voice; the sound is quiet. Put your hand on your throat and make the sound /t/. You should not feel any movement in your throat.

However, when we make a /d/ sound, we do use our voice. Put your hand on your throat and make the /d/ sound. Can you feel the vibrations?

Another way to help you learn the difference between these two sounds is that /t/(the voiceless sound) makes a bigger puff of air. Put your hand in front of your mouth and make the /t/ sound. Feel the big puff of air. Now put your hand in front of your mouth again and make the /d/ sound (the voiced sound). Feel only a little puff of air? Good!

Now let's listen to some sounds!

"did" sounds:
"Ted" sounds:
To practice voiced and voiceless sounds at the end of words, click here.

Trinh do C - Bai 50

Trình độ C - Bài 50

1. He kept the door open by putting a ________ under it.

2. ________ from Tom, all the workers said they would go.

3. This cloth ________ very thin.

4. He says he has got ________ in his stomach.

5. The taxi-drivers are complaining that their fares are too ________.

6. The gunman ________ the pilot of the plane to change direction.

7. As soon as the firebell rang everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of the building, ________ gathered in the car park.

8. He has a very strong ________ to see his country again.

9. Be careful! Don't ________ your drink on the table.

10. This wet weather has lasted for three weeks now; ________ rained every single day.

11. It is a very long ________ from Tokyo to London.

12. Excuse me! Can't you see the doctor's notice? Do you mind not ________?

13. Browns Ltd will have to ________ sales during the coming year.

14. The party, ________ I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.

15. That's the woman ________ daughter I nearly married when I was younger.

16. I would be thankful ________ any advice you can give me.

17. I haven't accused him ________ anything, but I suspect him of having taken it.

18. The spy surrendered himself ________ the enemy and was condemned to death.

19. Joyce's novel Finnegan's Wake continues to ________ critics, including those who find it comprehensible and call it ________.

20. Although this disease threatens the lives of several thousand persons every year, the ________ of supplies and equipment has ________ the progress of medical research for a cure.

Trinh do C - Bai 49

Trình độ C - Bài 49

1. He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second ________ when it was offered.

2. He put a ________ against the tree and climbed up to pick the apples.

3. The Dorchester is one of London's most ________ hotels.

4. Some drivers seem to expect everyone else to get ________ their way.

5. It's ________ long time since he last saw his brothers and sisters.

6. The dentist told him to open his mouth ________.

7. He left home more than an hour ago. He ________ be at work by now.

8. I ________ you wear the blue coat rather than the pink one.

9. When we were in London we went on a few short day ________ to some famous places.

10. The blue curtains began to ________ after they had been hanging in the sun for two months.

11. Arthur seems calm enough, but he has a very violent ________.

12. It's five years ________ I went to England.

13. They can only cure him ________ his illness if they operate on him.

14. I believe ________ taking my time.

15. He is not only indifferent to other people; he is often extremely rude ________ them as well.

16. You demand too much ________ him; he is not really equal to the task.

17. The branch unexpectedly gave ________ and the surprised cat found herself suddenly on the ground.

18. Betty saw her little brother ________ after his dog.

19. If you ________ Tom, tell him to come and see us on Friday.

20. Our magazine ________ in May if we receive all the articles on time.