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Showing posts with label Level C. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2007

Trinh do C - Bai 103

Trình độ C - Bài 103

1. I'm afraid I can't come to dinner on Wednesday. Could we put it ________ until next week?

2. When we visited the zoo on Sunday afternoon it was very crowded but on a weekday it's practically ________.

3. The ________ of blood always makes him feel sick.

4. Janet and Peter broke ________ a few months ago and are now living apart.

5. What John says ________ true but I very much doubt it.

6. You ________ try to make you applications a bit neater, or you'll never get a job.

7. His shoes were so old that his ________ were sticking out of them.

8. The child was made ________ everything on her plate.

9. You really ________ have come to the party, because all our old friends were there.

10. They didn't sign the contract because there were a number of points they couldn't agree ________.

11. You had better keep a box of matches ________ in case the lights go out again.

12. I was shocked ________ his refusal.

13. It is rude to stare ________ people.

14. Just guess ________ the price of this carpet.

15. How can you agree with such an idea when you are ignorant ________ the basic facts?

16. I'm surprised ________ you!

17. His lesson is going to be ________ Wednesday.

18. This hotel has ________ and you'll have to try your luck at some other hotels.

19. If I had seen this film on TV, I ________ to the cinema to see it.

20. What ________ for the last two weeks?

Trinh do C - Bai 102

Trình độ C - Bài 102

1. The estate agent spent a ________ deal of time trying to persuade me to buy the house.

2. In the pub she found herself sitting ________ a well-known TV personality.

3. He has always wanted to see his name in ________.

4. If you ________ to London tomorrow, telephone me first.

5. There is no ________ in going to school if you're not willing to learn.

6. The expert ________ the painting carefully and then said it was not original.

7. Could you hang ________ a minute? I'll be right back!

8. I'm sorry I haven't got any money - I've ________ my wallet at home.

9. Books may be ________ from the library for up to three weeks.

10. She ________ her parents to let her go to England.

11. That's a nice coat, and the colour ________ you well.

12. ________ his flu, he got up and went to work.

13. You're very quiet today. What have you got on your ________?

14. In some countries, there is a terrible ________ of food.

15. There is a beautiful ________ of the old city from the terrace of their mountain house.

16. I don't like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could ________ me a favour.

17. You shouldn't get so angry ________ him.

18. Here you are at last! I ________ for you since two o'clock.

19. He has recently ________ golf to provide himself with some relaxation.

20. After several hours on the road they became ________ to the fact that they would never reach the hotel by nightfall.

Trinh do C - Bai 101

Trình độ C - Bài 101

1. Have I ________ you about how Mary is getting on at college?

2. "The Sting" is by ________ the best Robert Redford film I have seen.

3. Many elderly people have to live on the money they ________ when they were working.

4. You shouldn't call your superior ________ his first name.

5. I've had replies to our invitations from everyone ________ from Jane.

6. I had to get up early, ________ I'd have missed the train.

7. I ________ you to drive carefully today. The roads are icy.

8. I wanted to go home but my girlfriend ________ on going to a nightclub.

9. The house ________ beside the lake.

10. After the revolution, the people of Haiti ________ revenge on the secret police.

11. Much stricter ________ must now be taken at all airports.

12. Betty dances really ________, doesn't she?

13. The decision is yours, but I'd prefer you not ________ home until you're older.

14. The accident was terrible, because there was no doctor ________ to help.

15. ________ is known about the side-effects of the new drug.

16. If I got his letter, I ________ his address.

17. Well we did have a terrible row but we've ________ it up now.

18. It was ________ that he happened to walk in just as we were discussing him.

19. In ________ of rage he tried to kill his own brother.

20. He was in his late fifties, with staring eyes and a ________ hairline.

Trinh do C - Bai 100

Trình độ C - Bài 100

1. Her ________ is getting worse and worse. She seems too afraid to speak to anyone.

2. The doctor gave the patient ________ examination to discover the cause of his collapse.

3. That dress looks lovely: red really ________ you!

4. I ________ the bell-push several times but there was no-one at home.

5. If you eat a lot of chocolate, your teeth will begin to ________.

6. I'm afraid that it won't be possible ________.

7. The campers put their tent ________ in a field.

8. I disagree ________ you about that film you praised so much.

9. We were so busy we had to ________ going on holiday for a month.

10. They ________ understand the teacher, as he spoke too fast.

11. I don't think she could ever give ________ smoking. She's a real addict.

12. ________ scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply.

13. Do you approve ________ hunting?

14. She preferred to wait ________ you.

15. I refuse to comment ________ his work.

16. Their walking-tour through Lapland never came ________.

17. I ________ for that job before I passed my final exams at the university.

18. As James had scored distinctions in Chemistry and Biology in his Higher School Certificate Examination, he hoped to ________ one of these subjects at university.

19. I'm really angry with Sue. The next time I see her, I'll give her an ________.

20. Many years ago in a faraway land there lived ________ wise old man.

Trinh do C - Bai 99

Trình độ C - Bài 99

1. There are a lot of ________ beaches on the South Pacific islands.

2. - Cecilia: I feel another dizzy spell coming on. - Margery: I do wish ________ get round to seeing a doctor.

3. He had to go to the bank to ________ some money for his holiday.

4. When we came back from holiday our suitcases were ________ by the Customs Officers.

5. ________ you get to the Red Lion pub you will have to stop and ask for directions.

6. Your husband is very rude. If I were you, I wouldn't stand ________ it.

7. My brother had his camera ________ from his car in the office car-park.

8. The two brothers don't get ________ with each other very well; they're always fighting.

9. Teresa's father began to lose his ________ when he was in his sixties.

10. When he spoke over the telephone, his voice was so ________ that I could hardly hear him.

11. I'll see ________ the cooking tonight.

12. At what time will you call ________ me?

13. I can assure you ________ my support.

14. She wanted to borrow the record from me but she was shy ________ asking.

15. He is a mechanic and his wife works ________.

16. My parents moved to California when I was 8. I really didn't want us to move there, but I was a child, I had ________.

17. If I had been to that meeting, I ________ about it.

18. Come to see me at five o'clock. I ________ ready with my work by that time.

19. As pretty as ________ = very pretty.

20. She was ________ out of 115 applicants for the position of Managing Director.

Trinh do C - Bai 98

Trình độ C - Bài 98

1. It is usually better not to ________ things, in case they are not returned.

2. It's six years now since the Socialists came to ________ in that country.

3. He was killed in a car ________.

4. It's nearly two years since I last ________ to a dentist.

5. The civil servant ________ his post because he disagreed with the Minister.

6. I don't know where he lives now; he left this area many years ________.

7. There was a sudden loud ________ which made everyone jump.

8. The bill came to over a thousand dollars ________.

9. The junior Minister's remarks on television about the strike ________ the Prime Minister so much that he was sacked.

10. The police have issued a full ________ of the murderer.

11. A lot of people find ________ art very difficult to understand.

12. He was ________ of understanding anything which involved numbers.

13. If there's ________ for complaint, please inform the manager.

14. There was ________ enough cake for all of us to have a very small slice.

15. He was bitten by a mosquito, but he made things worse by ________ the bite all the time.

16. Contrary ________ my expectations there was no need to be uneasy about the results of the match.

17. She prides herself ________ her clean house.

18. Your conclusions are not consistent ________ the facts.

19. The coin was too small ________ in the grass.

20. This journal ________ in Poland for more than twelve years by now.

Trinh do C - Bai 97

Trình độ C - Bài 97

1. The new factory must be finished ________ as the profitability of the company depends on it.

2. The colour of the handle does not ________ so long as it is the right size.

3. We went to the railway station to ________ our friends ________.

4. He shouldn't be allowed to play in the club. He's not a ________.

5. After a day of housework I am totally ________.

6. There is no reason to ________ his honesty; he is absolutely sincere.

7. The constant ________ on their hands causes injury.

8. The League of Nations was set ________ after the First World War.

9. All good things must come to ________ end.

10. The evening performance had to be cancelled ________ of the illness of the leading actress.

11. Buses and trains are the most important forms of public ________ in this country.

12. You should have told me you were married, ________?

13. The books I borrowed are overdue. I'll have to take them back to the ________.

14. The actor enjoys giving ________ of poems by his favourite poets.

15. The phone is ringing. Could you ________, please?

16. The pilot said that with one engine of the plane out of action, it had been ________ over the Channel.

17. All the travel arrangements ________ before we received a letter from him.

18. The last meeting of our section ________ on 15th September.

19. You are still working on your essay. I think you ________ it by six o'clock.

20. sharp practices = ________.

Trinh do C - Bai 96

Trình độ C - Bài 96

1. He was afraid of losing his suitcase so he tied a ________ on it on which he had written his name and address.

2. I am not sure, but ________ I know he has decided to accept the new job in London.

3. I enjoy working as his secretary, but he is such a perfectionist that it's ________.

4. You must ________ that your safety belt is fastened.

5. ________, after trying three times, he passed the examination.

6. That was no accident: you did it on ________!

7. I was just ________ to go out when you telephoned.

8. The witness told the court that he ________ the accused before.

9. In order to ________ with his studies he worked through the summer.

10. The tea is very hot; you'll have to ________ it.

11. This car is in terrible condition - you ________ have an accident at any time.

12. I think you'd better ________ and see me next week.

13. He may be quick at understanding, but he is not capable ________ remembering anything.

14. He was found guilty ________ murder and condemned to death.

15. He is not only indifferent ________ other people; he is often extremely rude to them as well.

16. ________ at the party!

17. All people experience good as well as bad things ________.

18. I can't remember when all those books ________.

19. If we went there, we ________ some of the museums.

20. I find it difficult sometimes to ________ between green and red.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Trinh do C - Bai 95

Trình độ C - Bài 95

1. You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by ________ it a lot.

2. I'm afraid a rise in salary is ________ just now.

3. I'll ________ the children for you while you are out.

4. John and Barbara ________ to get married in St Mark's church.

5. Have you a rough ________ of how many people are coming to the party?

6. As the waiter crossed the restaurant, he ________ over someone's foot and dropped his tray.

7. When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was ________ on.

8. I don't think that red dress ________ her.

9. He ________ a very interesting story.

10. In pain as a result of the fall, he ________ slowly home.

11. Two ________ beers, please.

12. "Blood-________ are urgently required," the spokesman for the hospital said.

13. She was so poor that she had to wander the streets and ________ for money.

14. I don't agree ________ you.

15. She's accustomed ________ living in comfort.

16. I drew a lot of money ________ the bank yesterday.

17. I wouldn't have been ill if I ________ on that trip.

18. The doctor arranged for me to see the ________ at the hospital about the pain in my back.

19. I'm really angry with the way I've been treated by this company. I've had it up to ________ with the way I've been treated.

20. Although he seemed convincing, I was somewhat suspicious ________ his over-confident manner.